i feel like i have a lot to say.
lets see if it bleeds out
perhaps we can use leeches on my thought process, yes?
it suppose to freeze over tonight. i complain a lot about being cold. but i kind of like it when a physical reaction takes place over large spaces of concrete.
i start school and work on Tue.
i don't have my books
and i don't have my kits for work.
that all has to conglomerate to one on Monday.
pushing the wire a bit maybe. but neh... its all i can do.
i'm doing some commission art for a friend.
and ideas are start to boil.
like a witches brewing pot.
i'm glad i get to go to school this semester.
i feel like i want to create something
to express a feeling
that i've never shown before
but i don't even know what that feeling is.
so i just want to express a whole bunch of nonsense.
and try to feel out myself
what it is i'm trying to get out.
and it like a journey.
a journey that has a feeling
connected with it
that i'm absolutely intoxicated over.
Here's a picture of my body.
lets see if it bleeds out
perhaps we can use leeches on my thought process, yes?
it suppose to freeze over tonight. i complain a lot about being cold. but i kind of like it when a physical reaction takes place over large spaces of concrete.
i start school and work on Tue.
i don't have my books
and i don't have my kits for work.
that all has to conglomerate to one on Monday.
pushing the wire a bit maybe. but neh... its all i can do.
i'm doing some commission art for a friend.
and ideas are start to boil.
like a witches brewing pot.
i'm glad i get to go to school this semester.
i feel like i want to create something
to express a feeling
that i've never shown before
but i don't even know what that feeling is.
so i just want to express a whole bunch of nonsense.
and try to feel out myself
what it is i'm trying to get out.
and it like a journey.
a journey that has a feeling
connected with it
that i'm absolutely intoxicated over.
Here's a picture of my body.
I've been thinking about it a lot lately and i have finally settled on why i like Suicide Girls so much.
there is a confidence here.
a thought that this isn't the place for perfect people. there is no reason to try to butter anything up. you feel encouraged in fsct to be as raw on the outside as you feel on the in, because finding that inward compliance to the skin (whether that be in body mods, or in your own head) all meshes together in a beautifully, sexy, invigorating mess.
In fact, I feel so strongly about that last statement you can quote me on that.
You've got nothing to hide. You look fantastic.
Thanks for the chats.

Im glad you liked the set darling! Means a lot coming from a babe like you.