so if you were in the metroplex last night and DIDN'T go to the Suicide Girls Burlesque show... your a loser!
it was a blast!
first off.. let me thank the local SG group for being absolutly KILLER! the angry dog had such good food! and that pear cyder stuff was SOOOO yummy..
next i wanna thank the guy in front of me at the will call line
he bought me a wisky sour!
next award goes to te two tiny girls that took me with them up to the front!
honnerable mention goes to the guys that had to deal with me grinding against them all nigh becase there was absolutly no roomt! lol
i was supose to go to an after party.. but i was trashed.. so i came home and passed out
to the cute little photographer girl that gave me her myspace that i was supose to see at the after party
MY REGUARDS! i sorry... (i hope i can find the little peice of paper with her myspace on it!!!!)
Last but not least!!!! ( since i seem to be making the Slushie supper happy fun time awards today)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMMING TO DALLAS Regan,Reno,Razzin,Xlolita, Austin,Joanee,Evette and the lovely Nixon! (and any other and/ or suicide girls that were on the tour!)
you girls are so sexy you make ME feel like a princeses (who knows how that is possible but its a special talent!)
it was a blast!
first off.. let me thank the local SG group for being absolutly KILLER! the angry dog had such good food! and that pear cyder stuff was SOOOO yummy..
next i wanna thank the guy in front of me at the will call line
he bought me a wisky sour!
next award goes to te two tiny girls that took me with them up to the front!
honnerable mention goes to the guys that had to deal with me grinding against them all nigh becase there was absolutly no roomt! lol
i was supose to go to an after party.. but i was trashed.. so i came home and passed out
to the cute little photographer girl that gave me her myspace that i was supose to see at the after party
MY REGUARDS! i sorry... (i hope i can find the little peice of paper with her myspace on it!!!!)
Last but not least!!!! ( since i seem to be making the Slushie supper happy fun time awards today)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMMING TO DALLAS Regan,Reno,Razzin,Xlolita, Austin,Joanee,Evette and the lovely Nixon! (and any other and/ or suicide girls that were on the tour!)
you girls are so sexy you make ME feel like a princeses (who knows how that is possible but its a special talent!)
Yeah, I saw your posse sliding by as you passed me and SG Coriander and a bunch of tall ape-lke guys who were blocking everyone else's view. Nice outfit, btw.

Good to have met you... Thanks for 'holding our place in line.'
Don't be a stranger.