so thursday night around 9pm.. me and my best friend Matt were sitting around myhouse working out various plans to get green and alcohol.. when suddenly i had a stroke of genius.. "LET GO TO WACO"
and... 2 minutes later.. we were in the car headed south...
about an hour in to the trip (it usualy takes about 2)
i realized i had a meeting for work on friday afternoon...
so i called in sick.. and caught up today...
waco was of corse wonderfull...not really the town its self... but i have alot of friends there.. and we smoke and drank and made a mud pit. i went to a bar and all kinds of crazy people bought me drinks ( i have found a new love for wiskey sours
) and the next day we woke up and played music all day... well.. i recorded and the boys played music.. but it turned out really well...
then we stayed up all night and went down town around dawn and watched the 4 story church get imploded...and then drove home... all in all a pretty good normal weekend i'ed like to think.. except i broke Matts guitar... i have to go buy a new pick up switch -.- hummm and i guess i should get some Mice for the snake... he looks sad and hungy....
well i've aquired a shoping list...
and... 2 minutes later.. we were in the car headed south...
about an hour in to the trip (it usualy takes about 2)
i realized i had a meeting for work on friday afternoon...
so i called in sick.. and caught up today...
waco was of corse wonderfull...not really the town its self... but i have alot of friends there.. and we smoke and drank and made a mud pit. i went to a bar and all kinds of crazy people bought me drinks ( i have found a new love for wiskey sours

then we stayed up all night and went down town around dawn and watched the 4 story church get imploded...and then drove home... all in all a pretty good normal weekend i'ed like to think.. except i broke Matts guitar... i have to go buy a new pick up switch -.- hummm and i guess i should get some Mice for the snake... he looks sad and hungy....
well i've aquired a shoping list...
Yell at me. Seriously, I'm such a moron and I hate it when I get all pathetic in my goddam journal entries, so feel free to tell me I'm full of shit. I need to hear it at times. And don't worry about me falling off the top of the world.