New York is loud, crowded, filthy, malodorous, exhausting, over stimulating, expensive, and crass. I dug it. It reminded me of a very busy Rome. Yes...the Rome in Italy. They are both vile rotting messes, but have class oozing out of every orifice.
The one thing about my trip to the big city I was mega-jazzed about was, after more than half a decade, I would finally get to see Ida play live. They were supposed to be at an uber-hippie event called Halliefest that raises money for underprivileged Africans. To my bitter disappointment the band never showed. Pinko Commies.
The one thing about my trip to the big city I was mega-jazzed about was, after more than half a decade, I would finally get to see Ida play live. They were supposed to be at an uber-hippie event called Halliefest that raises money for underprivileged Africans. To my bitter disappointment the band never showed. Pinko Commies.
what about the rome in vegas?
No...but you did!