So...I was bored and farting around MySpace. I ran across a post that links to a website which supposedly reveals the frightening number of sexual offenders that live in my immediate vicinity.
I have doubts about the reliability of this information. One of the first things that caught my attention were statistics that claim:
"Over 2,000 children are reported missing every day."
"The chance that your child will become a victim of a sexual offender is 1 in 3 for girls & 1 in 6 for boys.", The National Center for Victims of Crime
So...two thousand children are reported missing every day eh? Does that count the kids that went down the block to play at a friends house and forgot to tell mom? Two Thousand Kids! Think about that. According to this statistic 14,000 children will be missing in the span of one week. Come on people...that's more than the number of Americans that have died in Iraq. Let's just label this scare statistic #1.
I went to the National Center for Victims of Crimes website. I even dug up their statistics page and guess what I found? Come on...guess. Not a single statistic to verify their claims. I'm not saying it's not there...I simply didn't find it if it is.
Let's break it down:
Assuming the ratio of men and women is exactly 50[r> If 1/3 women are sexually assaulted
and 1/6 men are sexually assaulted
then....1/4 of the entire (U.S.???) population is probably going to be sexually assaulted. One forth.
According to the US Census Bureau there are 296,730,071 registered Americans.74,182,517 of whom have or will probably be brutally sexually assaulted. Is this starting to look a little silly?
Last note...The DOD defines sexual assault as: rape, nonconsensual sodomy (oral or anal sex), indecent assault (unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact or fondling), or attempts to commit these acts. So basically I could be considered a sexual offender for TRYING to grab a chicks ass and FAILING.
I have doubts about the reliability of this information. One of the first things that caught my attention were statistics that claim:
"Over 2,000 children are reported missing every day."
"The chance that your child will become a victim of a sexual offender is 1 in 3 for girls & 1 in 6 for boys.", The National Center for Victims of Crime
So...two thousand children are reported missing every day eh? Does that count the kids that went down the block to play at a friends house and forgot to tell mom? Two Thousand Kids! Think about that. According to this statistic 14,000 children will be missing in the span of one week. Come on people...that's more than the number of Americans that have died in Iraq. Let's just label this scare statistic #1.
I went to the National Center for Victims of Crimes website. I even dug up their statistics page and guess what I found? Come on...guess. Not a single statistic to verify their claims. I'm not saying it's not there...I simply didn't find it if it is.
Let's break it down:
Assuming the ratio of men and women is exactly 50[r> If 1/3 women are sexually assaulted
and 1/6 men are sexually assaulted
then....1/4 of the entire (U.S.???) population is probably going to be sexually assaulted. One forth.
According to the US Census Bureau there are 296,730,071 registered Americans.74,182,517 of whom have or will probably be brutally sexually assaulted. Is this starting to look a little silly?
Last note...The DOD defines sexual assault as: rape, nonconsensual sodomy (oral or anal sex), indecent assault (unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact or fondling), or attempts to commit these acts. So basically I could be considered a sexual offender for TRYING to grab a chicks ass and FAILING.
Just reread the post and I think your probably right about the missing kids on the other hand
I guess I'm guilty too. Thanx alot John Daniels!