I generally try and shy away from journal entries that read like a grocery list (I went to the bar last night and hung out *BARF* with my bestest friends *BARF* in the whole wide world *BARF*) because they are the bane of the internet. This weekend deserves chronicling however...so if you don't care, don't read.
Friday night: Got totally shnockered. Seriously hard core fucked up. Dangerously, alcohol poisoning drunk. I took my last shot at 6:30 in the morning and, "Reeked of hangover", saturday afternoon. Good times were had by all.
One of my friends friends got kissy on my neck. Normally this wouldn't be note worthy except there were one too many penises in this particular situation. I have no problem with this dude being gay. I have no problem excusing the neck kisses. The main curiosity is I thought this dude seriously disliked me. Until Friday night he had been very cold despite my many attempts to converse and befriend. He's a friend of a friend...thus friendworthy. I guess I'm just a little irritated that he didn't want anything to do with me until he wanted a piece of my junk. I wouldn't tolerate this from a chick so I feel my anger is justified.
Saturday afternoon: I rolled out of bed around 1:30pm to meet 'M'(She hasn't cleared me to use her name yet) at the zoo. She wrangled me a private tour of the Primate House. Yes...you heard that shit right people. I got a personal behind the scenes, VIP tour of the goddamn monkey house! It was AMAZING and the second best part of this year. She also showed me around the bird house which was neat, but I was far too hungover to appreciate that properly.
Sautrday night: Gaybar! Actually...I didn't know it was a gay bar until we had already been there for awhile. I should have guessed by how the whole place was saturated by 'clean and stylish'. Left the gay bar and hit up T.K. Bittermans with 'M'. Through cunning, guile, and a whole lot of beer, I managed to trick her into Girlfriend status. Sucka!
Sunday night: Watched cable at 'M's house. I miss cable. My roommate needs to get a job so we can hook up the cable.
Friday night: Got totally shnockered. Seriously hard core fucked up. Dangerously, alcohol poisoning drunk. I took my last shot at 6:30 in the morning and, "Reeked of hangover", saturday afternoon. Good times were had by all.
One of my friends friends got kissy on my neck. Normally this wouldn't be note worthy except there were one too many penises in this particular situation. I have no problem with this dude being gay. I have no problem excusing the neck kisses. The main curiosity is I thought this dude seriously disliked me. Until Friday night he had been very cold despite my many attempts to converse and befriend. He's a friend of a friend...thus friendworthy. I guess I'm just a little irritated that he didn't want anything to do with me until he wanted a piece of my junk. I wouldn't tolerate this from a chick so I feel my anger is justified.
Saturday afternoon: I rolled out of bed around 1:30pm to meet 'M'(She hasn't cleared me to use her name yet) at the zoo. She wrangled me a private tour of the Primate House. Yes...you heard that shit right people. I got a personal behind the scenes, VIP tour of the goddamn monkey house! It was AMAZING and the second best part of this year. She also showed me around the bird house which was neat, but I was far too hungover to appreciate that properly.
Sautrday night: Gaybar! Actually...I didn't know it was a gay bar until we had already been there for awhile. I should have guessed by how the whole place was saturated by 'clean and stylish'. Left the gay bar and hit up T.K. Bittermans with 'M'. Through cunning, guile, and a whole lot of beer, I managed to trick her into Girlfriend status. Sucka!
Sunday night: Watched cable at 'M's house. I miss cable. My roommate needs to get a job so we can hook up the cable.
[Edited on Feb 03, 2005 9:19AM]