Main Entry: masturbation
Pronunciation: "mas-t&r-'bA-sh&n
Function: noun
: erotic stimulation especially of one's own genital organs commonly resulting in orgasm and achieved by manual or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse, by instrumental manipulation, occasionally by sexual fantasies, or by various combinations of these agencies
I love Fancy Ketchup, and I'm not talking about the SGUser previously known as FancyKetchup (Though she is awesome as well...). What makes it so fancy? How do they take regular Ketchup and make it so fucking fantastic? Yea...I'm pretty much addicted to the stuff.
Other addictions I am currently sporting:
*Tootsie Rolls
*Peanut M&M's
*Expensive Technology
*Nerdy chicks
Main Entry: masturbation
Pronunciation: "mas-t&r-'bA-sh&n
Function: noun
: erotic stimulation especially of one's own genital organs commonly resulting in orgasm and achieved by manual or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse, by instrumental manipulation, occasionally by sexual fantasies, or by various combinations of these agencies
I love Fancy Ketchup, and I'm not talking about the SGUser previously known as FancyKetchup (Though she is awesome as well...). What makes it so fancy? How do they take regular Ketchup and make it so fucking fantastic? Yea...I'm pretty much addicted to the stuff.
Other addictions I am currently sporting:
*Tootsie Rolls
*Peanut M&M's
*Expensive Technology
*Nerdy chicks
oh, they need to "drop" into place...usually they fall about 4-5 inches right now they are riding right about 2 in. under my collar bone. This is normal, and it should take 1-4 weeks for them to "migrate" to their new home...something about the muscle holding them in place and all that
yeah, I'm gonna call her tomorrow and wish her a happy bday...things between us are really strained now though, she doesn't answer my calls too often