Jay's Movie Review of House of Flying Daggers
I'm going to sum this up in two words. "Fucking Hell!!"
HoFD had the potential to be one of this years great movies. I was excited going in, and as the movie progressed I began to become more and more excited because my expectations were being surpassed. Then something ugly happened...something people in the movie business call, "The end". If I sound a little angry about this I think it's because I am fucking angry. Last night I was raging angry, something that only alcohol could satiate. So here is my suggestion, and I heartily suggest you listen: Go watch the movie. Pay full price if you have to, and after Ziyi Zhang has her love scene...leave the god damn theater and never look back. Up until that point the movie is well worth the money you shelled out. Just leave. Seriously. The best way I can explain the end of this abomination is, "High School with Knives". I'm gonna spill the end of the movie for any of you disbelievers...read this and go wash your eyes with Clorox.
I'm going to sum this up in two words. "Fucking Hell!!"
HoFD had the potential to be one of this years great movies. I was excited going in, and as the movie progressed I began to become more and more excited because my expectations were being surpassed. Then something ugly happened...something people in the movie business call, "The end". If I sound a little angry about this I think it's because I am fucking angry. Last night I was raging angry, something that only alcohol could satiate. So here is my suggestion, and I heartily suggest you listen: Go watch the movie. Pay full price if you have to, and after Ziyi Zhang has her love scene...leave the god damn theater and never look back. Up until that point the movie is well worth the money you shelled out. Just leave. Seriously. The best way I can explain the end of this abomination is, "High School with Knives". I'm gonna spill the end of the movie for any of you disbelievers...read this and go wash your eyes with Clorox.
I want to thank everyone for the ego swelling birthday wishes.
"Happy Birthday", said the cop as he was writing up my speeding ticket. Fascist.
Sorry to miss your birthday ... I haven't even logged onto SG for about a week cos my (ex) lady was over and I was busy showing her around the bay area .... i got round to posting some pics finally .... no dread yet though hopefully within the next week that will be changed and the girly hair will die forever
oh i looked up the emperor norton thing ... absolutely amazing and quite amusing ... my favorite is when they let him put 'emperor' as his occupation on the census