I've decided to take it upon myself to create the next edition of the Principia Discordia. What, you might ask, gives me the authority to alter such an important and influential document? To that I can only reply, suck my swollen balls.
I called Cingular last night and got trapped by what is arguably the best salesman on earth. Instead of canceling my data services she got me to sign up for more minutes. Seriously, they should triple her salary. It's a good thing I called because she pointed out I only have 16 free minutes on my cell until a week from tomorrow.
Recently I got in an argument with a woman about Tourette Syndrome. The foundation of her argument was, "You can't understand what it is like." I don't think I have ever been closer to punching a woman before in my life. Stupid cunt.
Note to self: Never leave dairy products on my desk for three days.
I called Cingular last night and got trapped by what is arguably the best salesman on earth. Instead of canceling my data services she got me to sign up for more minutes. Seriously, they should triple her salary. It's a good thing I called because she pointed out I only have 16 free minutes on my cell until a week from tomorrow.
Recently I got in an argument with a woman about Tourette Syndrome. The foundation of her argument was, "You can't understand what it is like." I don't think I have ever been closer to punching a woman before in my life. Stupid cunt.
Note to self: Never leave dairy products on my desk for three days.
those poor mexican whores, everyone is always trying to blame them for everything.

Do you understand what it's like?