Anyone that is even casually educated knows a little about the Bubonic Plague (The Black Death). Between 1347 and 1352 twenty five million people, or one third of Europe's entire population, fell before pestilence and his black horse. Infected fleas carried by rats violated an entire continent! In the winter the disease would wane due mostly to fleas going dormant through the cold weather, but each spring the disease would once again ravage the land. Even after the worst was over, year after year, decade after decade, century after century, the plague would still pose a danger. Ultimately there were three major outbreaks, 6th, 14th, and 17th century totaling about 135 million deaths in all.
This is nothing. Would you be surprised to know there was a plague far far worse than the one I spoke of before in the last 100 years and originating in the United States. It's called the 1918 Pandemic and it killed twenty five million people in just one year. Everything started at a military camp in Kansas where a cook reported to the infirmary with flu symptoms. By noon about 100 other soldiers were infected. After two days five times more had fallen victim. In two months it had brought death to every continent on earth. Today it is believed to have been a mutation of a swine flu. Imagine getting on an ocean liner wherein 7% of the boats passengers started feeling a little sick, headaches, body aches...natural flu symptoms, then within a day or two were drowning in their own blood filled lungs. Certain moments in history should never be forgotten.
This is nothing. Would you be surprised to know there was a plague far far worse than the one I spoke of before in the last 100 years and originating in the United States. It's called the 1918 Pandemic and it killed twenty five million people in just one year. Everything started at a military camp in Kansas where a cook reported to the infirmary with flu symptoms. By noon about 100 other soldiers were infected. After two days five times more had fallen victim. In two months it had brought death to every continent on earth. Today it is believed to have been a mutation of a swine flu. Imagine getting on an ocean liner wherein 7% of the boats passengers started feeling a little sick, headaches, body aches...natural flu symptoms, then within a day or two were drowning in their own blood filled lungs. Certain moments in history should never be forgotten.
There is one way to settle the argumentt ... I need to find out first whether sloths are a protected species? mmm sloth burger mmm
I stand corrected. Thats what I get for not fact-checking things my hairdresser tells me before spouting them off to others. Gleefully going back to children's songs being children's songs.