Outline for Freddy vs. Jason 2
by MeNotYou
Freddy finds Jason again and they have a little pow wow.
Freddy: "Ok, Jason...look. I can't kill you, you can't kill me."
Jason: "Arugh",
Freddy: "Yea...anyway, let's not waste our energy fighting each other. Let's join forces.
Jason: "Arragh"
Freddy: "Ummm...sure. Whatever. So...what do you say? Want to rule over these puny mortals?"
Jason: "Uhhhhgh".
Freddy: "Great!"
Then I would let fly bad ass Elm Street Kung Fu. The movie would end in the white house with Terrance Stamp kneeling before Jason.
I'd like to have sex with a fat chick. It's something I've never sampled before, and I'd be curious to see how differently things would be done. I imagine maneuvering around the bed would be a bit more difficult but other than that just as pleasurable.
There once was a girl named Nantucket, she lived her life in a bucket. The boys would come play, then she'd run away, and she died alone of cancer in Jasper Texas!
by MeNotYou
Freddy finds Jason again and they have a little pow wow.
Freddy: "Ok, Jason...look. I can't kill you, you can't kill me."
Jason: "Arugh",
Freddy: "Yea...anyway, let's not waste our energy fighting each other. Let's join forces.
Jason: "Arragh"
Freddy: "Ummm...sure. Whatever. So...what do you say? Want to rule over these puny mortals?"
Jason: "Uhhhhgh".
Freddy: "Great!"
Then I would let fly bad ass Elm Street Kung Fu. The movie would end in the white house with Terrance Stamp kneeling before Jason.
I'd like to have sex with a fat chick. It's something I've never sampled before, and I'd be curious to see how differently things would be done. I imagine maneuvering around the bed would be a bit more difficult but other than that just as pleasurable.
There once was a girl named Nantucket, she lived her life in a bucket. The boys would come play, then she'd run away, and she died alone of cancer in Jasper Texas!
I'd like to have sex with a fat chick. It's something I've never sampled before, and I'd be curious to see how differently things would be done. I imagine maneuvering around the bed would be a bit more difficult but other than that just as pleasurable.
I've never had a problem maneuvering. A lot depends on flexibility, not weight.