I have to say I'm surprised no one has thought to create a SuicideGirl magazine. Seriously, they could be a major competitor with Playboy. The girls here are prettier, the photography is generally better, there are about a kazillion writers on this site that would very likely contribute, we already have a news section and fantastic interviews....all the ingredients for a kick ass rag are available on this site. Just cut, paste, and format. If I had to choose between SG and Playboy...SG would win every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Not but two minutes ago I discovered an album that could very possibly become a new favorite. Jen Wood
Not but two minutes ago I discovered an album that could very possibly become a new favorite. Jen Wood
Here's the old topic about it:
the June update:
(I'm asuming u didnt know about the previous magazine btw. sorry if u did.
I agree with u tho. The amount of sexy girls can easily rival (and beat