Man. Christmas is kicking my ass. As of this very moment I have $12 for gas and $20 for lunch for the rest of the week. On the plus side, I am very very happy with the various presents I have purchased for everyone this year. For once I won't hear someone say, "Oh...ahem....thanks man. That'" Quite the opposite for squeals of glee will escape the most masculine gift recipient! But once again, these inspired trappings come with a price. Scrounging slightly used doughnuts from a bin for a week will be well worth the beaming appreciation from my loved ones.
I went to my ex's graduation last Sunday. Ahh...the memories it brought back. See...I despise graduations. I didn't even want to go to either of my own. When I finally tore my way out of high school my mother made a deal with me: I only have to walk once...if I did the high school graduation I would never have to do it again. So...I did. Five and a half years later I discovered my mother is a welcher. She used the considerable amount of graduation cash they were gifting me as leverage to perform yet another tedious graduation. This one was slightly more interesting because on my way off the stage I walked into a pole and almost spun myself over the railing and off the platform. Ahh memories.
I went to my ex's graduation last Sunday. Ahh...the memories it brought back. See...I despise graduations. I didn't even want to go to either of my own. When I finally tore my way out of high school my mother made a deal with me: I only have to walk once...if I did the high school graduation I would never have to do it again. So...I did. Five and a half years later I discovered my mother is a welcher. She used the considerable amount of graduation cash they were gifting me as leverage to perform yet another tedious graduation. This one was slightly more interesting because on my way off the stage I walked into a pole and almost spun myself over the railing and off the platform. Ahh memories.
Heh heh. Bragging rights, certainly. Though I'd prefer to have a signed book, I think. It'd last longer. That, and being a female academic, saying "sign my tits" to Umberto Eco would seem to be setting feminism back quite a bit... Tempting though. No idea why, but it is.