"Things haven't changed all that much where George W. Bush comes from. Houston is a cruel and crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It's a shabby sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West -- which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas, which has no laws against oral sex or any other deviant practice not specifically forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public cunnilingus with farm animals." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.
Read Thompsons' whole article originally published in Rolling Stone magazine on the 2004 debates here.
Tootsie Rolls and Potato chips should never be consumed in tandem.
Hah! Sometimes my own immaturity even surprises myself! Someone left a bunch of plastic spiders on my desk, and being mentally and socially retarded I set it up so they are having a little arachnid menage-a-trois.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas, which has no laws against oral sex or any other deviant practice not specifically forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public cunnilingus with farm animals." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.
Read Thompsons' whole article originally published in Rolling Stone magazine on the 2004 debates here.
Tootsie Rolls and Potato chips should never be consumed in tandem.
Hah! Sometimes my own immaturity even surprises myself! Someone left a bunch of plastic spiders on my desk, and being mentally and socially retarded I set it up so they are having a little arachnid menage-a-trois.
yeah u! with the green and red glasses and that spider! ewwww spiders ...
at least im the queen of something