I'm not real sure why, but the novelty of SG is beginning to wear off for me. Yea, naked girls...yea, cool people...but more and more I don't feel like logging in. I've had something like 6 or 7 people on my friends list leave the site in the last 2 weeks.
Even NHS isn't really doing it for me anymore, and in all honesty it hasn't done it for me in quite awhile. It's a great group with a great concept, but the real reason I joined was for the roundtables and intelligent conversation. We've had like 3 roundtables since I joined last May, and a vast majority of the rest is typical group shit. To all the people who want in NHS but get denied: You aren't missing all that much.
I'm not gonna quit yet...I still have hope that with our new fearless leader someone will step up and raise the bar.
Tonight I'm gonna pick up some HD bunny ears and the wall mount for my 30" flat panel HDTV so I can watch the election coverage.
A: I don't believe this entry is a misrepresentation of anything.
B: My hope is paying off...new RT tomorrow. Wheee for new management!
Even NHS isn't really doing it for me anymore, and in all honesty it hasn't done it for me in quite awhile. It's a great group with a great concept, but the real reason I joined was for the roundtables and intelligent conversation. We've had like 3 roundtables since I joined last May, and a vast majority of the rest is typical group shit. To all the people who want in NHS but get denied: You aren't missing all that much.
I'm not gonna quit yet...I still have hope that with our new fearless leader someone will step up and raise the bar.
Tonight I'm gonna pick up some HD bunny ears and the wall mount for my 30" flat panel HDTV so I can watch the election coverage.
A: I don't believe this entry is a misrepresentation of anything.
B: My hope is paying off...new RT tomorrow. Wheee for new management!
I, too, have become disillusioned. I know that I have much to do with school, but still try to sit down and scope out the groups.
What to hear a totally hysterical conversation I found myself in the other day?
NO? Too Bad!!!
person 1. If America didnt help out in wars..everyone in Europe would be speaking german instead of English.
me. well technically, english is a germanic language, based on german.
person 2. no it is a romantic langauge.
me. umm well according to cambridge university, the university I am getting a masters in english through (the uni here works with cambridge, and I will get my masters in 1 semester...) English is built on a multitude of languages, but it is mainly a germanic language. As are all of the nordic languages (not finnish, but it technically isnt a nordic language) . It would be due to the fact that german is a base language, and in 1100 for about 200 years, French was the national language in England, and English took in over 10,000 loan words..
person 1. no you are wrong, english is a romantic language.
me. do you even know what a romantic language is?
person 2. like french and stuff.
at this point i was like... well... technically no.
romantic languages are built on latin.
person 1. but latin isnt a language.
me. thats like saying sanskrit isnt a language.
round bout this time i start getting angry, I just took a course in the history of english from about 900 , and have had history of swedish from ca 700s up.
It isnt as though I was just making shit up ya know?
Why cant people listen to me when I am educating them?
I said... this..
Well if you want to be an uneducated moron your whole life...so be it.. and left the conversation.
neat huh?
besides that, not much going on, just having a horribly hard time reading Lord Jim. I just can not get into it.
How are you?
Why dont you message me on icq or yahoo?