1. Fearful or wary of being supplanted; apprehensive of losing affection or position.
a. Resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious: jealous of the success of others.
b. Inclined to suspect rivalry.
3. Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness: jealous thoughts.
4. Vigilant in guarding something: We are jealous of our good name.
5. Intolerant of disloyalty or infidelity; autocratic: a jealous God.
I've been thinking alot about jelousy. It's rooted in a lack of trust.
I'm supposed to do a fun run this evening for my company. I'm not even sure how I got suckered into this. I think it's for breast cancer or the special olympics or something. It doesn't really matter. I think I'm gonna pop into a bar half way through the race for a refresher.
Link is moving out sometime this week. I'm not really happy about that situation. I think it's time for a talk tonight.
1. Fearful or wary of being supplanted; apprehensive of losing affection or position.
a. Resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious: jealous of the success of others.
b. Inclined to suspect rivalry.
3. Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness: jealous thoughts.
4. Vigilant in guarding something: We are jealous of our good name.
5. Intolerant of disloyalty or infidelity; autocratic: a jealous God.
I've been thinking alot about jelousy. It's rooted in a lack of trust.
I'm supposed to do a fun run this evening for my company. I'm not even sure how I got suckered into this. I think it's for breast cancer or the special olympics or something. It doesn't really matter. I think I'm gonna pop into a bar half way through the race for a refresher.
Link is moving out sometime this week. I'm not really happy about that situation. I think it's time for a talk tonight.
oh PS. Did I mention I am a moron.