I've had this painful incessant pounding in my head for the last couple of days. I finally figured out it's life's gigantic cock slapping me in the face. Damn my rotten luck.
There's this joke I like to tell wherein I proclaim myself the coolest badassest rockinest bastard in these United States. Then I explain my uber-awesomeness is due to my ultra-modesty.
No one ever laughs. I'm not sure if it's because the joke simply isn't funny or if the irony is lost on them.
There's this joke I like to tell wherein I proclaim myself the coolest badassest rockinest bastard in these United States. Then I explain my uber-awesomeness is due to my ultra-modesty.
No one ever laughs. I'm not sure if it's because the joke simply isn't funny or if the irony is lost on them.
Yes, it is in fact 857... sorry I didn't get that until today!
that cock slapped me once, and I stuck it in a bun and ate it.