What the hell is a force catch?!? This is on the front page of USA today. Jesus...if I've ever seen evidence of the depreciation of standards in news media this is certainly a big ass sign post.
I bought a web cam today. I'm not exactly sure what I'm gonna do with it yet, but I do know I plan to buy some special web cam speedos with a Texas flag on the ass. It'll be sexy. Many a woman will swoon over my majestic nipples on cam.
Back in the far off year of 1996, my roommate and I purchased a web camera. We published our cam less than one month after Jenny Ringly, more famous as jennycam, became an international celebrity as being the first cam girl. That puts me and my ex-roommate in the first 100 or so (probably less) webcams in the world. It was called goofcam and was disgustingly popular. You could even say we were famous for a brief time. This is gonna bring back some wild memories.
===Amended for clarification===
I do understand the comma is a short hand substitution for and. That doesn't make it any less irritating. They could have very easily left out 'course' or 'force' and made a perfectly legible headline.
I was caught unprepared to read that.
[Edited on Aug 19, 2004 7:15PM]