NEW HOTNESS! Holy chupacabra I have sexy legs.
I would fuck myself with my eyes closed.
I should use this to apply to be a Suicide Girl. I would be known as the SG with the horrifically elongated labia.

I would fuck myself with my eyes closed.
I should use this to apply to be a Suicide Girl. I would be known as the SG with the horrifically elongated labia.

Sorry I couldn't make it. It turned out that the guys working on our house actually had cracked a pipe and so they cut the water off. So, I had to stay here while the guy came to weld the hole in the pipe shut and they just left. Anyway there's a bunch of grad students coming over here to study sunday so some will probably stay for food and cartoons. Bring yourself, anything you want cooked, and whoever else wants to come. I'll give you times as they get figured out. Let me know how the movie was.
will you be my maid of honor?