I like straws, though not for the aesthetic reasons most people probably do. I don't like ice. Rephrase: I don't like ice because it gets in the way. When I'm thirsty I cherish the ability to take large gulps of whatever it is I am consuming. Ice gets in the way. I have to form a barrier with my teeth to keep from choking to death. Straws allow me to drink my chilled beverage in peace unhindered.
How old are you supposed to be before you have your prostate examined? That's gonna suck.
I'm thinking about doing a round table on Egyptian History. That's too vague so I've been trying to narrow it down to something specific and awesome in its awesomeness.
How old are you supposed to be before you have your prostate examined? That's gonna suck.
I'm thinking about doing a round table on Egyptian History. That's too vague so I've been trying to narrow it down to something specific and awesome in its awesomeness.
What's this pub crawl?