Well. Interview one is done. I don't think I got the job though. They quizzed me and I missed some fairly basic questions. Oh well...I never really expected to get this job anyway. The next interview I have is Wednesday morning for Boeing. Hopefully that one will go better. I got a call from another recruiter about a prospect in Kentucky. I really have no desire to move anywhere. I like where I am. Damn.
I downloaded Android, the developers kit for the new Google mobile operating system. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play with it sometime tomorrow. I'll create a simple penis game or something for readyamykill.
I downloaded Android, the developers kit for the new Google mobile operating system. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play with it sometime tomorrow. I'll create a simple penis game or something for readyamykill.
ok, if you guys move I don't know what I'll do.
Sounds like a dream job.