Sometimes it makes me sad how much passion we seem to have lost concerning space exploration. We've been to the moon. We have two satellites at the very edge of our solar system. The Voyager satellites were only meant to last five years and here they are, 30 years later, 15 billion miles from the sun, and traveling a million miles a day toward the unknown. Yeah, it's great we have a few rovers on mars, but really....there is no reason we shouldn't have at least one sophisticated long term satellite around almost every planet and moon in our solar system. With the new technology we've developed we should be sending new satellites towards the edge of the solar system to pick up on all the things the Voyagers have missed. Both Voyagers are slowly losing power, and many of their systems have had to be disabled to keep them functional. There is so much out there for us to learn, and someday we will want to leave this planet. Before we do that we need to know what's going on out there. We have so much more technology than we did thirty years ago. Why aren't we using it out there?
shit, I want to leave this planet NOW
Hey there buddy!!! Did your missus tell ya........I'm moving to Houston!!!!! October 4th I'll be there for who knows how long...can't wait to hang out wiith you guys again!!!!