This article is entitled: A logical analysis of Writing.
I'm the kind of guy that has a lot of projects. There is always something new that piques my interest and has me off building lifters, websites, picking locks or any number of other things. Unfortunately a vast majority of them require a great deal of intellect, but very little creativity. As such, I have decided my next project will be creative in nature. I think a few short stories and sketches will be a good start. I'll post my first original sketch in about 14 years at the end of the post. (Note: His shirt is supposed to say, "Blogs Kill")
What makes a good writer? I believe, as someone who reads alot but has negative writing experience, good writing is a result of good style and story. Style can be further broken down to technical writing ability and good communication skills. Technical writing, as used above, is having a broad vocabulary and being able to take an idea and express it in a creative way. An example from Nabokov, as he is speaking of rain filling a bucket, "The pluvial mercury swells and overflows." The best vocabulary in the world can't save you if you lack the ability to clearly convey an idea, thus follows the importance of communication. Another example from Nabokov, (What?! It's what I'm reading now), "When you laugh, I want to transform the entire world so it will mirror you." Damn...that's just hot. He took an abstract idea and portrayed it in a manner anyone can understand. Imagine he had said, "When you laugh, I want to see you reflected in the world". Essentially it's the same idea communicated in a piss poor way.
Although English professors across the world totally disagree with me, being able to write brilliantly does not make a brilliant author. Hemingway is a perfect example of a brilliant writer who possesses poor story telling skills. Yes...technically speaking he is brilliant but his stories are like watching mold grow. An old dude goes fishing and catches a big fish only to lose it on the way home. I've also read one of this collections of short stories and To Have and Have Not. Also boring. The only exception where story can be sacrificed to style is poetry. Great authors take a compelling story and make it sing.
How do you become a better writer? Like anything else, practice and study. I have no doubt creative writing classes can help someone develop their craft, but there is no substitute to reading. There is no such thing as a writer that doesn't read. Still, it takes more than just reading to improve writing style. Attention must be paid to how other novelists express emotions and ideas. In other words, the construction and expression of ideas.

Yes. I know he doesn't have hands. You know what I say to that? Cthulhu doesn't need hands to play guitar. He uses psychic powers and his army of damned souls to get it done.
I'm the kind of guy that has a lot of projects. There is always something new that piques my interest and has me off building lifters, websites, picking locks or any number of other things. Unfortunately a vast majority of them require a great deal of intellect, but very little creativity. As such, I have decided my next project will be creative in nature. I think a few short stories and sketches will be a good start. I'll post my first original sketch in about 14 years at the end of the post. (Note: His shirt is supposed to say, "Blogs Kill")
What makes a good writer? I believe, as someone who reads alot but has negative writing experience, good writing is a result of good style and story. Style can be further broken down to technical writing ability and good communication skills. Technical writing, as used above, is having a broad vocabulary and being able to take an idea and express it in a creative way. An example from Nabokov, as he is speaking of rain filling a bucket, "The pluvial mercury swells and overflows." The best vocabulary in the world can't save you if you lack the ability to clearly convey an idea, thus follows the importance of communication. Another example from Nabokov, (What?! It's what I'm reading now), "When you laugh, I want to transform the entire world so it will mirror you." Damn...that's just hot. He took an abstract idea and portrayed it in a manner anyone can understand. Imagine he had said, "When you laugh, I want to see you reflected in the world". Essentially it's the same idea communicated in a piss poor way.
Although English professors across the world totally disagree with me, being able to write brilliantly does not make a brilliant author. Hemingway is a perfect example of a brilliant writer who possesses poor story telling skills. Yes...technically speaking he is brilliant but his stories are like watching mold grow. An old dude goes fishing and catches a big fish only to lose it on the way home. I've also read one of this collections of short stories and To Have and Have Not. Also boring. The only exception where story can be sacrificed to style is poetry. Great authors take a compelling story and make it sing.
How do you become a better writer? Like anything else, practice and study. I have no doubt creative writing classes can help someone develop their craft, but there is no substitute to reading. There is no such thing as a writer that doesn't read. Still, it takes more than just reading to improve writing style. Attention must be paid to how other novelists express emotions and ideas. In other words, the construction and expression of ideas.

Yes. I know he doesn't have hands. You know what I say to that? Cthulhu doesn't need hands to play guitar. He uses psychic powers and his army of damned souls to get it done.
besides, i work friday and saturday nights. i'll play after work, but that seems to be around midnight. i have sunday off, though.
nice rendering of cthulhumeister.