I think this is going to be my next tattoo. Read from left to right It is the first 34 digits of Pi in binary. The version I have is using Courier New at 14 point font. I'm hoping this won't be too small for the artist to work with.
This is going to be the sexiest tattoo ever! 272 binary digits representing the first 34 characters of Pi. I'm going to have to hire some bitches to fight off all the other bitches that will want a piece of my junk. Then I'll throw some jello into the mix, tape the whole god damn monstrosity and sell the video to "Girls Gone Wild". This tattoo is going to make me a very wealthy man.
Next time I drink with you...I'll bring the stick to beat the ladies away with. 

I've been meaning to get a binary tat for several years (42 in binary, 0101010) but I'm deathly afraid because tattoo artists aren't used to doing straight lines and circles over and over and getting them consistent. And most every binary tat I've ever seen looks like crap.