I used to know a kid in middle school named Mustafa Mustafa. I called him Mustafa Squared. Anyway...Mustafa Squared sat behind me in World History. One day I was being particularly annoying, (probably the day I learned about Boutros Boutros-Ghali), and Mustafa Squared punched me in the fucking nose. That was the first time I had ever been hit in the face. It didn't hurt. It didn't bleed. It did surprise the hell out of me though because it was in the middle of fucking class.
I got him back on the last day of school with a well thrown rock to the back of his head. He never even knew it was me.
Sweet silent revenge.
I got him back on the last day of school with a well thrown rock to the back of his head. He never even knew it was me.
Sweet silent revenge.
A girl in the movie thinks "mind the gap" is the way the English say goodbye.