Well i get the airport and i notice i left the camera on my house, great, how dumb im i, so well i was about to get on the plane so i fucked up, then i just put my ipod to listen music, dead, well not dead, freeze the screen and i cant turn it off, and some part on the flight u can't have any electronic device on, so was interesting i think would and freeze ipod probably can cause a problem to the plane, hopefully dont, i dont wanna think what would happened if something goes bad, but i though i cant just trow the ipod to the trash or something so what the hell, nothing happened, the bad think i did nott pack the usb cable, so no music
And well Monterrey was good as usual, the convention, well i dont now if is because i kinda now the city better and i feel was just like the past year, lof of manga kinda merchandising, but what i like of conventions is the chance to talk with friends of the comic medium, some i now some other i meet there, was cool.
On saturday night we went to see Watchmen, i have already read the graphic novel, was good, very well done, cool effects, costumes, but didnlt surprise me or amaze me, maybe because i had the reference from the book, i now is a movie, for time and for the people thats dont read the comic i now they had to delete things and change others, like the end, ubt well what i see is that the fans like it, people that kinda now comics can like it, but i see normal people, like is used to more relaxed movies(romantic comedies) is very hard to watch, so its on u, i probably watch it again or wen came out on dvd
All well also go to the Tatto expo again, and i fell weird like another world to me, i like the tatto art and stuff, but i realize its not for me, just to see people getting tattoed i almost faint, but there some gorgeous tattooed girls, i forgot my camera damn
Well thats pretty much all, i just get back on the morning and trying catch up on work and stuff, but ill rest some now, see u later
By the way ill be going to Mexico city next week(14,15 March), in case anyone is there or something
no vaya uno a perderse algo en la calle
creo que puede y en abril me la compre!
me da mas cosita vender mi camarita con la que empece, pero bueno es hora de upgrade creo