Hi everybody,
I finally have time again to blog and write you something about what is going on.
So i work as a designer from home, mainly creating/buidling/modeling for myself or companies in virtual worlds.
But since it is summer and it seems that or big clients are on holiday or whatever the fuck, i noticed the income is/was getting less. So basicly i worked my ass off to sell things myself, and respondses so far has been great.
So hopefully i can soonish " really" make this my official job and even let tax know
Anyway, sorry for not updating SG for a week, but hey sometimes you just have to let things go, in order to gain surten things. So leaving you all with a photo i took yesterday at the zoo.
Yeb i have been a good uncle and took my niece to the zoo yesterday..
Have a great weekend all!!

I finally have time again to blog and write you something about what is going on.
So i work as a designer from home, mainly creating/buidling/modeling for myself or companies in virtual worlds.
But since it is summer and it seems that or big clients are on holiday or whatever the fuck, i noticed the income is/was getting less. So basicly i worked my ass off to sell things myself, and respondses so far has been great.
So hopefully i can soonish " really" make this my official job and even let tax know

Anyway, sorry for not updating SG for a week, but hey sometimes you just have to let things go, in order to gain surten things. So leaving you all with a photo i took yesterday at the zoo.
Yeb i have been a good uncle and took my niece to the zoo yesterday..
Have a great weekend all!!

Komkommertijd Menno, voor alle designers