my sister and nephew are up from Florida visiting... it was her birthday over the weekend and she likes to come back home and visit... Home you say... the good Old fashioned Keystone State... the center of the original 13 colonies... birth place for our countries first Capitol... home of the virtuous Amish folk... Pennsylvania...
Any way she is 38 and my nephew whom i rarely see is a complete terror... i have never seen a more destructive three year old in my life and he is mean and whiny... i love kids but the ones that need a leash and a muzzle are not kids... he is just plain out right bad... and my sister the diva... totally just laughs it off as if it is nothing and every three year old acts like that... we hung out for a bit and he tied to fill my turtles tank with play dough... was putting my daughters play make up on... was pulling stuff off my shelves... took out almost all my daughter toys and refused to clean them up... was kicking over the trash can in my bathroom and daughter room... dumped two 12oz glasses of water on my carpet then laughed and ran away... was pulling my daughter clothes out her draws... and was hitting and being nasty... all of this with my sister sitting right there only saying... hey what are you doing and come here... I finally got tired of his shit and i started getting up and defending my house against his tyranny and he got really whiny and my sister got a little pissy with me... she is lucky i didnt curse her ass out for letting her son destroy peoples things and not even making an effort to deter him...
any way now that i got that off my chest...
i am almost 3 months and my belly is getting a lil popped out.. i imagine this bay will be bigger than my daughter considering the fathers size and his family history of big babies... also mine as well... my daughter was super tiny and i went full term with her... she was 5 pound 3 oz and 17 inches long... her daddy is literally 5foot 3 and 112 pounds soaking wet... im only 5 feet tall... she was destined to be small...
but the baby seems to be doing ok and my stress is slowly but surely subsiding... i imagine by summer time i will be glowing and happy again... being bummed out is a total bummer...i look forward to being my cool calm and sweet self again... right now i kinda feel like a fire breathing dragon running low on fumes...
any way... here are some pics to satisfy your curious eyes...