i totally woke up on the wrong side of the bed...
made myself breakfast... cheese eggs, bacon and home made cherry tarts
does this bacon look like a penis and balls or do i just really need to get laid???
now i will pout and prolly kiss marvin....
this is marvin... he is my bowl mate... not to be confused with a soul mate...

made myself breakfast... cheese eggs, bacon and home made cherry tarts
does this bacon look like a penis and balls or do i just really need to get laid???

now i will pout and prolly kiss marvin....
this is marvin... he is my bowl mate... not to be confused with a soul mate...

it's still pretty chilly here, even when the sun is out, which is why i wasn't sure whether or not to cut my hair now or wait until it warms up. but it was really starting to annoy me so i thought sod it, off it comes!
and with regards to the bacon, it doesn't matter whether it looks like a cock or not, getting laid is always good!