Mena is learning a new trixy trade!
I will give you a series of clues.
It's hot
It's dangerous
It's sexy
and once I am trained up I will be my own travelling one woman show!
And the trixy trade is...
YAY!!! Arin't you all super excited for me?
Anyone familiar with the arts? Have any stories to share?
I wanna know it all!!
We start training on Friday evening, wish me luck I will keep you all posted.
In the meantime...
The Kitty Shelter
Well there is a fantasticly generous article about a ghoul who spends her hard earned dough and all of her spare time caring for homeless sometimes feral kitties.
I originally called and e-mailed her wondering if she had seen Rossy my kitty MIA
but then got a brainstorm...
why not volunteer? I am sure she could use the help.
So I e-mailed and called...
and e-mailed and called...
and e-mailed...
and called...
she has yet to get back to me.
I think it's sad that she doesn't want help as much as money.
I mean I see where she is coming from but I have no coin to donate at this time
(damn house closing)
and so I'd like to do what I can with my hands and heart.
I suppose she is not intrested...
The Company Situation
Cousins, Uncles, Aunts and kiddies Oh My!
yes it's true we have been taken over by loving family members just here to drink beer in the sun.
(a thing our family is good for and has excelled at for generations)
the sad thing is myself, lowtek and Poppa Mena have all been working diligently at the family Rope Access Company and they have been home alone since Momma Mena left for CGY over 3 weeks ago!!
Shitty way to spend time visiting if you ask me.
My sympathy may end up getting me into a very Nova Scotia Bar doing the very Nova Scotia thing drinking my face off all night, smoking far too many cigarettes, and topping it all off with a donair and a drink induced pass out with my head in a bucket.
All in time for my hangover at work tommorow at 8am.
Well the clock has dawned quitting time so I will chat at you later fiends!
Like my new profile pic? Tell the amazingly talented Oryx, while you at it tell her how cute her new profile pic is and then swing past to see my raison d'etre Amina's new set! It makes my head & heart explode with joy.
Oh yeah and on that note whoever is loser enough to be leaving the incredibly mean spirited tags on Amina's new set...
To everyone else Sorry about that
Love Love Love