Hey Ghoulies,
Last half hour of work winding down, I should tidy up all the financials strewn upon my desk as the cleaning lady will be in tonight and Daddy would loose his mind if he thought all of our classified info was open for all to see. but alas, la la la la updating my favorite place on the internet is much funner.
I liked playing a guessing game with you lovelies. So much so that I want to play again...
I am off to the Island again this weekend, my life couldn't get any better, actually if I could reanimate the dead and mend the weak of broken hearts I would be beyond satisfied. My first order of business would be to bring back Bela in his hay and manage his career toward the longevity he craved, then bring back a stranger who made a friend smile who recently was taken by a wrathful God in an act of haste I am sure even he wishes he could undo. Accidents make me not want to drive cars or leave my house. Daddy got a license to kill and new Triumph motorcycle the same day Mommy got a new Denali SUV for herself and Puppy. It's nice that they can spend so recklessly of what fortune was never intended to be theres. But children listen good HARD WORK PAYS OFF. even if not in the ways you want it to. Ahhh trixy fate somehow it all works out...ramble, ramble
Finally I would fix my friends heart before it gets any worse. Smoking dope shouldn't give you a heart attack and if it does than you should be told that instead of being left to guess and to just hope it doesn't happen again. silly canada what good is free health care if you get what you pay for?
I looooooove Missy and she loves us all, I am not sure that we are aloud to say why so lets just suffice it to say lots of new, quality material will be coming at cha faster than you can click a mouse.
That reminds me I will be releasing my Lily Wonder into the wilderness if she dares to bring another dead mouse/rat/mole into our bedroom I know she has the best intentions but she should realize that tetnous is not an effective way to tell your mommy that you love her.
Daddy Mac lowtek is back in the house lucky boy got to see NIN again!! Another thing, I would make happen with my powers would be to deliver Kyra into the arms of of mutual lover M.T.R on the one condition that she provide me with a chance for sloppy seconds.
Hot Topic in MA was raided and the contents are now hanging happily in my closet, and I have yet another new do I will have to post pics when I get home.
Guess what time it is???
Homework Love Mena:
Due: NOW
If you could have special powers what would they be? What would you do with them?
Last half hour of work winding down, I should tidy up all the financials strewn upon my desk as the cleaning lady will be in tonight and Daddy would loose his mind if he thought all of our classified info was open for all to see. but alas, la la la la updating my favorite place on the internet is much funner.
I liked playing a guessing game with you lovelies. So much so that I want to play again...
I am off to the Island again this weekend, my life couldn't get any better, actually if I could reanimate the dead and mend the weak of broken hearts I would be beyond satisfied. My first order of business would be to bring back Bela in his hay and manage his career toward the longevity he craved, then bring back a stranger who made a friend smile who recently was taken by a wrathful God in an act of haste I am sure even he wishes he could undo. Accidents make me not want to drive cars or leave my house. Daddy got a license to kill and new Triumph motorcycle the same day Mommy got a new Denali SUV for herself and Puppy. It's nice that they can spend so recklessly of what fortune was never intended to be theres. But children listen good HARD WORK PAYS OFF. even if not in the ways you want it to. Ahhh trixy fate somehow it all works out...ramble, ramble

Finally I would fix my friends heart before it gets any worse. Smoking dope shouldn't give you a heart attack and if it does than you should be told that instead of being left to guess and to just hope it doesn't happen again. silly canada what good is free health care if you get what you pay for?
I looooooove Missy and she loves us all, I am not sure that we are aloud to say why so lets just suffice it to say lots of new, quality material will be coming at cha faster than you can click a mouse.
That reminds me I will be releasing my Lily Wonder into the wilderness if she dares to bring another dead mouse/rat/mole into our bedroom I know she has the best intentions but she should realize that tetnous is not an effective way to tell your mommy that you love her.
Daddy Mac lowtek is back in the house lucky boy got to see NIN again!! Another thing, I would make happen with my powers would be to deliver Kyra into the arms of of mutual lover M.T.R on the one condition that she provide me with a chance for sloppy seconds.
Hot Topic in MA was raided and the contents are now hanging happily in my closet, and I have yet another new do I will have to post pics when I get home.
Guess what time it is???
Homework Love Mena:
Due: NOW
If you could have special powers what would they be? What would you do with them?
Have a great week and a wonderful Canada Day weekend!
I think Freckles is officially pregnant, kitties due Aug 24th!