I'm baaaaaaaack!!!
Sitting around in my panties waiting for my clothes to show up so I can get dressed and go off to party with our Nigerians before they go back to Africa. Long story but suffice it to say they are charming young guys with more manners than you can shake a stick at and class for miles. They will be missed, allthough they have asked me to go to Nigeria with them and set up a fake kidnapping so that we can hang out and then split the money that the Canadian Embassy is willing to pay to keep the act of terrorism under wraps. Sounds like an allright time to me!
My shows have been going fantastic Elvis was a hit, as was my Jessica Rabbit act and being eye/arm candy for the local wrestlers of the Maritime Cup was a lot of fun. Me and the Divine Miss C go-go danced for the opening band and the show turned out to be pretty good. I did however forget to take my heels off for my Baby-esque ode to Rob Zombie. Foxy Foxy is the besy song to drop your hips to.
I also went on a much needed vacation to PEI with my best of friends and my second parents. Rested, chatted and listened to Fleetwood Mac nothing quite like the cottage.
Me and lowtek also had a great domestic moment building the enclosure now known as 'Kitty Heaven' final resting place for my pussy cat Morganthaler and haven for my littlest TigerLily Wonder Munster. It's closed in with chicken wire has a bird bath fountain, a kitty house a lava rock that attracts heat new sods and Christmas lights for the night time. She loooooves to catch JuneBugs and lay in the grass, my god she is pretty. Still no sign of Cenobyte Ross but I am sure he will be back weather it takes years or not, mark my words I haven't seen the last of him!
I am hoping to get to Meghan's house today I am so sick of breaking and changing plans with her when all I want to do is just sit with her and drink some tea and chat. I am leaving in a few minutes (after I find my clothes) to go and get her a nice house warming present before I leave for Halifax. I am also planning on dying my hair tonight I will have pics to follow.
Can't think of much more to write I have a show this weekend with the Divine Miss C I will try to get my burlesque folder full of new pics as well as put some candid pics in there.
Also, as far as replacement sets go. I did it please don't hate me. look for a new profile pic anyday now.
P.S - Oh yeah Saffron met my wet dream last night and she inspired me to post this pic of us together.
heehehee Look how cute I was 30 lbs. ago!

Sitting around in my panties waiting for my clothes to show up so I can get dressed and go off to party with our Nigerians before they go back to Africa. Long story but suffice it to say they are charming young guys with more manners than you can shake a stick at and class for miles. They will be missed, allthough they have asked me to go to Nigeria with them and set up a fake kidnapping so that we can hang out and then split the money that the Canadian Embassy is willing to pay to keep the act of terrorism under wraps. Sounds like an allright time to me!
My shows have been going fantastic Elvis was a hit, as was my Jessica Rabbit act and being eye/arm candy for the local wrestlers of the Maritime Cup was a lot of fun. Me and the Divine Miss C go-go danced for the opening band and the show turned out to be pretty good. I did however forget to take my heels off for my Baby-esque ode to Rob Zombie. Foxy Foxy is the besy song to drop your hips to.
I also went on a much needed vacation to PEI with my best of friends and my second parents. Rested, chatted and listened to Fleetwood Mac nothing quite like the cottage.
Me and lowtek also had a great domestic moment building the enclosure now known as 'Kitty Heaven' final resting place for my pussy cat Morganthaler and haven for my littlest TigerLily Wonder Munster. It's closed in with chicken wire has a bird bath fountain, a kitty house a lava rock that attracts heat new sods and Christmas lights for the night time. She loooooves to catch JuneBugs and lay in the grass, my god she is pretty. Still no sign of Cenobyte Ross but I am sure he will be back weather it takes years or not, mark my words I haven't seen the last of him!
I am hoping to get to Meghan's house today I am so sick of breaking and changing plans with her when all I want to do is just sit with her and drink some tea and chat. I am leaving in a few minutes (after I find my clothes) to go and get her a nice house warming present before I leave for Halifax. I am also planning on dying my hair tonight I will have pics to follow.
Can't think of much more to write I have a show this weekend with the Divine Miss C I will try to get my burlesque folder full of new pics as well as put some candid pics in there.
Also, as far as replacement sets go. I did it please don't hate me. look for a new profile pic anyday now.
P.S - Oh yeah Saffron met my wet dream last night and she inspired me to post this pic of us together.
heehehee Look how cute I was 30 lbs. ago!

I am glad that things are going well with you. It was awful to see you so upset before. I am happy your world is doing right by you.
lovely pic! wish i had photographic evidence