Hot, Hot, and even more Hot!
This is why I am so proud to be a part of this site. Beauty redefined. Regardless of nasty magazine articles which tell different versions of the 'truth' regardless of some nasty 'hate' mail I recieved the other day I hold my head high this is me and the feeling of being able to express myself with or without clothes in a forum full of equally confident, proud, beautiful and creative women is more than I could have ever hoped for. I have been very satisfied with my experience thus far and look forward to being a part of this movement, lifestyle, website or whatever it is to anyone for a very long time. For once things make sense, for once I don't ask pointless, conveluded questions. I feel confident, I feel pride, I feel sure of who I am and what I am doing with my life. A form of transcendance I am sure, of doing away with petty little girl bullshit of feeling 'chubby' and not doing anything about it. If you don't love yourself enough to live and let be than find whatever it is that will make you feel this way because I wouldn't want anyone even my 'haters' to feel anything less than how I feel now. Everyone deserves this you have to be engaged in a passionate love affair with yourself because no one can fill that void. No other person can make you feel this way you have to make it happen for yourself. Good Luck, I sincerely wish the best for all of you and hope to meet you all in this headspace at some point. In the meantime if you don't like this site or what I am doing, don't partake, or look or snoop for that matter into my profiles and journals to find fuel for your fire 'cos I have said my piece and will not be playing these games. I have much better things to do with my time than sit around and give you something to feel sorry for yourself about, I have to be out 'promoting my wierdness' in various different mediums including the new love of my life Burlesque. Do yourself a favor come to the show and just watch us women perform it will most likely inspire you the way your mediums of self expression have always inspiried me, to want to feel happy and satisfied with me.
Wow!! What a rant!! I was initially going to post some messages from my mail box that I recieved lately. Some 'hate' mail and some 'love' mail but I feel like I have said all I needed to say in my defense and don't need to re-hash any of it to make my point.
Thanks for listening guys, I love you all...
P.S- I am finally offically a punkin head...

This is why I am so proud to be a part of this site. Beauty redefined. Regardless of nasty magazine articles which tell different versions of the 'truth' regardless of some nasty 'hate' mail I recieved the other day I hold my head high this is me and the feeling of being able to express myself with or without clothes in a forum full of equally confident, proud, beautiful and creative women is more than I could have ever hoped for. I have been very satisfied with my experience thus far and look forward to being a part of this movement, lifestyle, website or whatever it is to anyone for a very long time. For once things make sense, for once I don't ask pointless, conveluded questions. I feel confident, I feel pride, I feel sure of who I am and what I am doing with my life. A form of transcendance I am sure, of doing away with petty little girl bullshit of feeling 'chubby' and not doing anything about it. If you don't love yourself enough to live and let be than find whatever it is that will make you feel this way because I wouldn't want anyone even my 'haters' to feel anything less than how I feel now. Everyone deserves this you have to be engaged in a passionate love affair with yourself because no one can fill that void. No other person can make you feel this way you have to make it happen for yourself. Good Luck, I sincerely wish the best for all of you and hope to meet you all in this headspace at some point. In the meantime if you don't like this site or what I am doing, don't partake, or look or snoop for that matter into my profiles and journals to find fuel for your fire 'cos I have said my piece and will not be playing these games. I have much better things to do with my time than sit around and give you something to feel sorry for yourself about, I have to be out 'promoting my wierdness' in various different mediums including the new love of my life Burlesque. Do yourself a favor come to the show and just watch us women perform it will most likely inspire you the way your mediums of self expression have always inspiried me, to want to feel happy and satisfied with me.
Wow!! What a rant!! I was initially going to post some messages from my mail box that I recieved lately. Some 'hate' mail and some 'love' mail but I feel like I have said all I needed to say in my defense and don't need to re-hash any of it to make my point.
Thanks for listening guys, I love you all...

P.S- I am finally offically a punkin head...

Why thank you.

That rant made me proud... and we don't even know eachother. I'm dusti by the way, nice to meet you.
Hate mail is for assholes... I wonder why they even bother. Um... and the hair colour is rock'n. xx.