Moo Moo Super Super Sour Puss!!
My goodness am I ever fussy today! and yesterday!
A force to be reckoned with...
for no real reason!
Coming home to a nest full of kitties was nice, after a glass of wine a spat with my Fest and a bowl of ice cream, cuddling up with my winkles dog and watching true crime shows seemed to sooth my distemper...
At least until the hubby came home beaming about a sound editing session gone hella good with Film Maker 123.
His excitment rocked the boat, the lights came on the kitties went running then the scowl reclaimed my face sending my faint smile sailing.
He is reading peacefully now and I realize that his nice and calm demeanor has an infectious effect on me.
This is why I love him.
He makes the wrong things right.
Hug your beef, ghoul or kittie directly after reading this and I bet it'll feel lovely!
Love You All,
My goodness am I ever fussy today! and yesterday!
A force to be reckoned with...
for no real reason!

Coming home to a nest full of kitties was nice, after a glass of wine a spat with my Fest and a bowl of ice cream, cuddling up with my winkles dog and watching true crime shows seemed to sooth my distemper...
At least until the hubby came home beaming about a sound editing session gone hella good with Film Maker 123.
His excitment rocked the boat, the lights came on the kitties went running then the scowl reclaimed my face sending my faint smile sailing.
He is reading peacefully now and I realize that his nice and calm demeanor has an infectious effect on me.
This is why I love him.
He makes the wrong things right.
Hug your beef, ghoul or kittie directly after reading this and I bet it'll feel lovely!

Love You All,

i don't know why it didn't work...