I just saw Clerks II. It was pretty fucking hillarious. Oh...and I'm in love with Rosario Dawson.

O.K., I just watched Wargames (1983) last night with Mathew Broderick and Ally Sheedy. First of all, I found it really funny that our entire country's defense depended on one computer that took up and entire room, and they called it WOPR. Secondly, even though it was 23 years ago, I thought it was extremely unlikey that Mathew Broderick was able to hack into WOPR via and old crappy dial-up modem, and almost start WWIII. It's almost as amazing as how Gary and Wyatt created Kelly LeBrock in Wierd Science (1985) using an old crappy computer with a dial up modem. These movies were both greatly entertaining, and Wierd Science is still one of my favs, but it's funny how the potential of computers was perceived twenty years ago.

O.K., I just watched Wargames (1983) last night with Mathew Broderick and Ally Sheedy. First of all, I found it really funny that our entire country's defense depended on one computer that took up and entire room, and they called it WOPR. Secondly, even though it was 23 years ago, I thought it was extremely unlikey that Mathew Broderick was able to hack into WOPR via and old crappy dial-up modem, and almost start WWIII. It's almost as amazing as how Gary and Wyatt created Kelly LeBrock in Wierd Science (1985) using an old crappy computer with a dial up modem. These movies were both greatly entertaining, and Wierd Science is still one of my favs, but it's funny how the potential of computers was perceived twenty years ago.