For many years, I've been compiling in my mind my own personal theory on art. Bits and pieces of my theory have come out on this board at various times, and they've spawed discussions with other artists and intelligent people. I feel I'm at a point where (although I haven't actually made much art in recent years) the bits and pieces are finally coming together as a complete and somewhat logical theory.
Is it OK to have artistic theory without practicing it? Or is a solid artistic theory the basis for a body of work that proves my theory?
In other news, It's fucking hot here in Pitssburgh. The thermometer hit 95 today, and temperatures aren't supposed to let up all week. As I found out yesterday, it's not very condusive to bike riding, and it makes simple house chores a bitch.
Last weeks tbattle with a tooth infection is finally coming to an end. I was in an unreasonable amount of pain for three days before I got relief. Turned out to be a faulty root canal, and my dentist is going to completely re-do the whole thing including a new crown for free. (Free is usually a word not spoken by my dentist.)
Well, it was another busy weekend filled with out of town visitors, graduation parties, and arguments with 90 year old neighbors over property lines. I'm kinda ready to go back to work now. Who do you think I can talk to about adding around six more hours to every day? I think my days need to be 30 hours long.
Is it OK to have artistic theory without practicing it? Or is a solid artistic theory the basis for a body of work that proves my theory?
In other news, It's fucking hot here in Pitssburgh. The thermometer hit 95 today, and temperatures aren't supposed to let up all week. As I found out yesterday, it's not very condusive to bike riding, and it makes simple house chores a bitch.
Last weeks tbattle with a tooth infection is finally coming to an end. I was in an unreasonable amount of pain for three days before I got relief. Turned out to be a faulty root canal, and my dentist is going to completely re-do the whole thing including a new crown for free. (Free is usually a word not spoken by my dentist.)
Well, it was another busy weekend filled with out of town visitors, graduation parties, and arguments with 90 year old neighbors over property lines. I'm kinda ready to go back to work now. Who do you think I can talk to about adding around six more hours to every day? I think my days need to be 30 hours long.