Have you ever met a rock star? Well, maybe not a rock star, but the equivalent of a rock star? This week, Kurt Vories, a pro downhill mountain biker, visited the bike shop I work at as part of a demo tour. He's in all the magazines, and videos, so in our twisted little world, he's like a rock star. Anyway, we all got to ride with Kurt and his wife Lindsay, and show them some of the local trails. Afterwards, it was back to the shop for pizza and many beers. They were super people and it was a pleasure to hang out with them. What a great time!
So, otherwise, things have been going well. Work has been busy, but busy is good. I'm looking forward to a couple of days off. Oh, and in case you didn't know...I'm going to be a Dad in October. After the first ultrasound, we found out it's going to be a boy. I would've been happy either way, but a boy is good. For pics, go here
Well, I'm off to do something not-so-productive. Actually, I may go grocery shopping. That's kind of productive, I guess. By the way, I hope the Cleveland Cavaliers win on Sunday. I always love the underdog!
So, otherwise, things have been going well. Work has been busy, but busy is good. I'm looking forward to a couple of days off. Oh, and in case you didn't know...I'm going to be a Dad in October. After the first ultrasound, we found out it's going to be a boy. I would've been happy either way, but a boy is good. For pics, go here
Well, I'm off to do something not-so-productive. Actually, I may go grocery shopping. That's kind of productive, I guess. By the way, I hope the Cleveland Cavaliers win on Sunday. I always love the underdog!

comedians are like rockstars to me