I got offered a job today. It's a job that I could be very good at and make lots of money while doing it. The only thing is, it's a job that carries with it a very negatve stigma... the dreaded car salesman.
Do I stay at the bicycle shop where I'm happy but making very little money? Or do I take a chance at something else that can be a lot more lucrative? At first I thought the choice was easy... but the more I think about it, the more ambivalent I become.
Do I stay at the bicycle shop where I'm happy but making very little money? Or do I take a chance at something else that can be a lot more lucrative? At first I thought the choice was easy... but the more I think about it, the more ambivalent I become.
and PS I snuck off to empathy_girl's journal...congratulations 

car slaesmen lie a lot lol but hey if thats what u wanna do go for it! the cop gave me a ticket for my light being out BUT itwasnt out when i looked at it so i got it taken care of fast