I had the best sushi last night, and way too much wasabi. I'm convinced that wasabi is good for the soul, and also good for clearing your sinuses! This is going to sound silly, but I would love to learn how to be a sushi chef. Can you go to school for that? or do you have to be the apprentice of some Sushi Master?
When I got my paycheck this week, there was a nice bonus on there that I did not expect. It was quite a nice surprise. I think I might go buy some new cloths with the extra cash. I desprately need some new jeans, and a new pair of sneakers. Also, I've been thinking about getting my first tattoo because there's a really good artist acrossed the street from the bike shop.
I have the day off today, so I'm heading out to get a haircut, and then to do grocery shopping. Incedently, grocery shopping is a lot better when you can listen to your iPod and tune everyone else out, and that's what I intend to do!
I got some new jeans, a few t-shirts, and some new shoes. I'm a happy boy. When I was trying on jeans, I realized that I've got qhite a winter beer belly going! Not good. So I need to ride my bike more so I can keep drinking this:
Have a great weekend.
When I got my paycheck this week, there was a nice bonus on there that I did not expect. It was quite a nice surprise. I think I might go buy some new cloths with the extra cash. I desprately need some new jeans, and a new pair of sneakers. Also, I've been thinking about getting my first tattoo because there's a really good artist acrossed the street from the bike shop.
I have the day off today, so I'm heading out to get a haircut, and then to do grocery shopping. Incedently, grocery shopping is a lot better when you can listen to your iPod and tune everyone else out, and that's what I intend to do!
I got some new jeans, a few t-shirts, and some new shoes. I'm a happy boy. When I was trying on jeans, I realized that I've got qhite a winter beer belly going! Not good. So I need to ride my bike more so I can keep drinking this:

Have a great weekend.


I love sushi

Laundry is my life..
And by the way..I love sushi..i'm so jealous...