I haven't bought a lot of music lately, but I popped into the cd shop on the way to work yesterday and picked up Deltron 3030. Released in 2000, it's a side project of Del Tha Funkee Homosapien, and it's really good stuff. It's probably one of my top ten hip hop albums.
I love selling people bicycles to give to their kids for Christmas. Every kid should have a bike, and it makes me happy that they're getting one. I got my first bike for Christmas. I still remember the day the training wheels came off.
I discovered today (at work) that hot chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps is a good thing. You gotta love drinking at work. Saturday, we're having egg nog with lots of rum.
I love selling people bicycles to give to their kids for Christmas. Every kid should have a bike, and it makes me happy that they're getting one. I got my first bike for Christmas. I still remember the day the training wheels came off.

I discovered today (at work) that hot chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps is a good thing. You gotta love drinking at work. Saturday, we're having egg nog with lots of rum.
It annoys me when I see kids riding around on their motorized scooter. What the hell ever happened to bikes? What ever happened to exercise? What ever happened to kids being kids? A few weeks back I was driving through my neighborhood and two girls, about 9 or 10 were riding bikes next to eachother and each one was talking on a cell phone. It scares me. I have another kid who rides around on her motorized scooter while 2 of her friends pedal their bikes as fast as they can and are still a good 10 feet behind her. At least they are getting exercise. I used to love riding my bike as a kid. I'm glad my parents never bought my ass a power wheels car, because I got to go out with my friends and enjoy the nice weather, get a lot of exercise and come home and sleep like a baby. I would kill for that now. Why not let kids be kids? Sorry, I kinda got off on a rant. I would like to get myself a bike one of these days. I could really use the exercise.