IN A RELATIONSHIP! woohoo! That hasn't happened in god knows how long. I'm stoked on it.
Going to the Bruins Tuesday, and Thursday. I'm spoiled.
I also have tickets (from my lovely boyfriend) to the last game of the regular season versus the Sabres April 7th.. 13 rows back from the ice
Also getting my knuckles tattooed on the 7th.
AND there's a... Read More
Tim Thomas is the shit, but Boston fans are the worst...And i think we smoked you guys 5 - 1 this past week...
like your blog though and i was glad to see Boston win last season...
I'm going to look at an apartment tommorow, thank god. I've been searching for one that allows dogs (my frenchy obviously, and my roommate has a boxer) literally since October, and no luck anywhere. I've decided to hold on on Colorado til next Spring, I still got a lot of shit to deal with around here, and running away from my problems isn't going to... Read More
Eating off of someone elses stuff freaks me out bigtime.. Same reason why I haven't picked up a perfectly good couch from there too. I hate being a germaphobe sometimes!
I've been known as Vanna on here since 2006, it's time to grow out of it and time to change. (I did get drunk and have my then tattoo artist boyfriend tattoo Vanna on my ass, and recently had it covered up with roses haha!)
Memry fits my life better. It's beautiful, mysterious and nostalgic.. everything my life has been as of... Read More
At least you know someone(probably more than one) out here. Hahaha. Definitely getting made fun for the Boston accent. ones going to say shit. And you'll have some hometown pride away from home. Get pumped. It's fucking great out here.
I got one friend and that's it! Hoping to meet more before I go out there, my roommate works three jobs currently and without her, thats means a lot of time alone! I am pumped though!! It'll be quite the adventure.
I move to Capitol Hill in Denver, Colorado mid September.
As much as I love Massachusetts (mainly just Boston and my beloved Bruins and RedSox) I need a change of scenery. I have nothing going for me here, all I do is sleep and work the bar.. I'm definitely not happy. I'm dreaming of sunny skies, mountain air, and freedom halfway across the... Read More
well i would love to be both fo those things for you. Just be careful drinking out here at first i got horribly drunk the first few times, since it is a lot easier to ger drunk here lol..
I live just north of Denver now, and I love it. Not sure if I'll be here for the long haul (thinking about relocating and settling down in Seattle in a few years) but for now it's definitely lovely. Hope your move goes smoothly!