Heroes last night was epic!!!! So freaking great! The ending was great. When Peter's father came to Hiro and said "you've been dreaming about me." and looked like he was going to rip off his head. Well if you watched the episode, Peter's dad ripped off the spirt guide's head. I don't watch much t.v. but I am hooked on Heroes. At least Cruxshadows isn't on Heroes night or Grey's Anatomy night!
I have been getting some really good advice in the "girls only" group. Which is mucho awesome.
I am excited for cruxshadows cause I found out some cruxshadows fairies are coming up as a suprise since I can't make it to the atlanta show on my b-day. My birthday is Dec. 5. Which I wish the Pittsburgh date was on my b-day. I know there is a suprise happening at the pgh date. I heart suprises.
I have to teleport some huggles from the atlanta cruxshadows fairies who can't make it to this date and from texas and other states to the members of the band & to naked merch guy. There is a reason why we call Joey.
He is the merch guy for cruxshadows. Well, all of dragon*con he was running around in underwear. So, we gave him the nickname "naked merch guy". And it stuck. Then he said,"If you see me at any of the shows I will most likely not have my shirt on." Yeah that's naked merch guy. He is so awesome
If my sis can't go to the show, or if she dicks me over. I already have someone to take her place for the tickets. Which I have to. Or I will be banned from future will call. Which I do not want to happen. Hellz no.

I have been getting some really good advice in the "girls only" group. Which is mucho awesome.
I am excited for cruxshadows cause I found out some cruxshadows fairies are coming up as a suprise since I can't make it to the atlanta show on my b-day. My birthday is Dec. 5. Which I wish the Pittsburgh date was on my b-day. I know there is a suprise happening at the pgh date. I heart suprises.

He is the merch guy for cruxshadows. Well, all of dragon*con he was running around in underwear. So, we gave him the nickname "naked merch guy". And it stuck. Then he said,"If you see me at any of the shows I will most likely not have my shirt on." Yeah that's naked merch guy. He is so awesome

If my sis can't go to the show, or if she dicks me over. I already have someone to take her place for the tickets. Which I have to. Or I will be banned from future will call. Which I do not want to happen. Hellz no.