Dragon*Con was so awesome. Greyhound FUCKING SUCKED MONKEY BALLS. What was so nice was Jockamo & everyone signed a card the band Cruxshadows cause I was so late. It truely lifted my spirts. I cried really hard. I didn't arrive till midnight Saturday. I surely thought I was going to miss Cruxshadows. I would have cried. All during the bus ride I was thinking of Cruxshadows. I missed Abney Park but I caught their acustic set thanks to Stacia cause she told me they were playing in the concouse. Thanks so much Stacia!!!!!! During the bus ride I had to sit by I could not sit by my friend. I had to sit by a CREEPER!!! He kept talking to me I just wanted to go to sleep. Thats all I wanted to do.
I heard about what happened in Canada. Where some lady flipped on a passanger and killed him. She stabbed him. Which I was damned that was happening to me! Then I thought to myself I had to talk to him. In the back of my mind I was like I dont want to die or get stabbed. Then we got stuck in kentucky cause the bus got filled up. They told us the wrong door to get behind. Then it was 6 hours before the next bus would arrive. I wanted to cry. I just thought I wasn't going to make it. Then Josh an ex thought I was lying about making it to Dragon*con. I sent him a picture of a bum's butt. I met a really awesome chick steph on the way. Then I got hit on by some creeper yet again. When you ride greyhound, I swear you are riding with America's Most Wanted Top Ten!!!
Then after all the creepers the way to Atlanta wasn't all that bad. I didn't have no one that was creepy sit beside me. It was great. Becca kept my sanity or what was left of it. I kept Jockamo up to date. Since we were rooming. It was great seeing all the cruxshadows fairies. I love the south. I was going to us the marta its like the pat bus if you are familiar with the pat bus in Pittsburgh you know what I mean. But when I arrived in Atlanta, I just got a taxi.
I got to the sheriton. Had to wait for Jockamo. They didn't have my name on the room, which she did put my name on the room. I got my badge the next day! We share a room with Vickie, Staci. Vickie is so awesome. Staci is such a sweetheart. I miss all of you. When I got my badge it was the day of the parade. Vickie took me to get my badge. We thought we could make it so I could be in the parade since the Cruxshadows Fairies were in the parade.. I didn't make it in time. The parade was awesome. Adam West was in it!!! In the bat moblie!!! All the costumes were soo good!!!! I watched the parade with Vickie. I actually saw Josh the night before.
It brought back feelings which I did not want. He came to the room. We hungout for a while. Vickie said I should have woke her up. I really should have. Then he lost his badge in the room. He texted me saying he did. Then I was mad at him still am. We ended up in the hallway talking for an hour or so. He told me not to be mean. He treated me LIKE SHIT for the rest of Dragon*Con. I just wish I should have listened to my friends. Sharely warned me. Everyone knows I give the benifit of the doubt. I just have a lot of faith in people. We did date. I guess we are josh friends. I don't know what I did. I guess I am truely an asshole magnet. All my guy friends treated me like shit. Except the guys in the Cruxshadows Faries those were the only nice guys in the bunch. And the members in the band and other band members in other bands.
I finally met ROGUE!! Oh let me tell you the story. I was talking to Vickie. Then Jockamo tapes me on the shoulder. I turn around and it is Rouge. I started to cry. I bawled. I really bawled. He said not to cry. Vickie got all the pictures of Me meeting Rogue. I told him about how I couldn't go last year. And how It was my first time seeing cruxshadows. He said I hope we don't dissapoint you. I said I'm sure you all won't. They didn't. He hugged me. Rogue hugs are awesome. I cried. If you were there It was awesome. It was the time of my life. I told him I was going to the Pittsburgh date. He said to get all my friends to go. He said that Pegasus doesn't have a stage. I'm like I know. And It's a small club.
Jen aka Pyromantic is such a sweetheart. I cried too. I am such a emo kid. She is such an awesome person. If you have met her you know what I mean. When I did, we both had the same kind of purple and stripe socks on. And we both showed off our tattoos. And she is like your the one who was on Greyhound that Jockamo was talking about. I'm like that is me. She is like I have heard so much about you. She is such a sweetie.
Sara the backup dancer. Is a sweetie. I met her too. We talked Again she is like your the one who was on greyhound I am like that is me. They are so nice. It was such an awesome time.
Johanna Is amazing. She is a sweetie. She is truely amazing on violin. such energy on stage. I do wish to play violin again but I play clarinet. I feel like a dork playing clarniet.
David is very quiet. He is really awesome. I was having pretty crappy time for a minute. Then he is like it looks like you need a hug here. And he is like would you like something signed. I'm like I have nothing to signed. I'm like how about my boob. I am the first boob he has signed! If you have met him he is extremely quiet.
Voltaire is amazing. His girlfriend is so beautiful. I am glad I got to met her. Staci & I got our boobs signed by him. We both asked her if he could sign them she is like sure. He is like gotta make sure there isn't dust on them he blew on them then rubbed them. he signed them. Then Blew him. Then I talked to his girlfriend she is like you must have all the guys hitting on you too I am like not really only the creepers. I don't really notice when guys hit on me. Then she asked to look at my tattoo across my chest she is like awesome. I saw voltaire with Eric. It was great hanging with him. I just have feelings for him still. We had dinner a few times. Once with lisa.
Cruxshadows was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cruxshadows fairies got in first! They were up in front. I mean I was just blown away. I was just in awe. Rogue held my hand a few times and sung to me. I squeaked. They played so many great songs. Then when they played "marilyn my bitterness" Johanna The band grap people on stage to dance. Johanna graped me on stage which was awesome. They played "memorare" that reminded me of pookie. They played monsters, solus, immortal, eye of the storm, aridane,... I was just so happy
I saw ego likeness. First time seeing them also. They were friggin awesome. I was right up front. I danced and not caring who was watching. I hung out with Josh afterwards. He treated me like poop. More like shit. Ego Likeness was friggin amazing. i was glad to make it.
The next day I hung out with Eric. It was ok. I started to miss my friends cause Dragon*con was coming to a close and I knew I was going to come back to crappy ole PA.I told Rogue he didn't dissapoint me. And asked for a picture without me bawling my eyes out. He said no crying this time.
Staci wrote a goodbye note. I just got bummed. I fell asleep early after hanging out with Eric I was just dissapointed. I miss Everyone still. I know I will attend next year's Dragon*Con but I will be flying this time!!!!
I miss you all so very much!!!!
~Super Pouncing Huggles~
I heard about what happened in Canada. Where some lady flipped on a passanger and killed him. She stabbed him. Which I was damned that was happening to me! Then I thought to myself I had to talk to him. In the back of my mind I was like I dont want to die or get stabbed. Then we got stuck in kentucky cause the bus got filled up. They told us the wrong door to get behind. Then it was 6 hours before the next bus would arrive. I wanted to cry. I just thought I wasn't going to make it. Then Josh an ex thought I was lying about making it to Dragon*con. I sent him a picture of a bum's butt. I met a really awesome chick steph on the way. Then I got hit on by some creeper yet again. When you ride greyhound, I swear you are riding with America's Most Wanted Top Ten!!!
Then after all the creepers the way to Atlanta wasn't all that bad. I didn't have no one that was creepy sit beside me. It was great. Becca kept my sanity or what was left of it. I kept Jockamo up to date. Since we were rooming. It was great seeing all the cruxshadows fairies. I love the south. I was going to us the marta its like the pat bus if you are familiar with the pat bus in Pittsburgh you know what I mean. But when I arrived in Atlanta, I just got a taxi.
I got to the sheriton. Had to wait for Jockamo. They didn't have my name on the room, which she did put my name on the room. I got my badge the next day! We share a room with Vickie, Staci. Vickie is so awesome. Staci is such a sweetheart. I miss all of you. When I got my badge it was the day of the parade. Vickie took me to get my badge. We thought we could make it so I could be in the parade since the Cruxshadows Fairies were in the parade.. I didn't make it in time. The parade was awesome. Adam West was in it!!! In the bat moblie!!! All the costumes were soo good!!!! I watched the parade with Vickie. I actually saw Josh the night before.
It brought back feelings which I did not want. He came to the room. We hungout for a while. Vickie said I should have woke her up. I really should have. Then he lost his badge in the room. He texted me saying he did. Then I was mad at him still am. We ended up in the hallway talking for an hour or so. He told me not to be mean. He treated me LIKE SHIT for the rest of Dragon*Con. I just wish I should have listened to my friends. Sharely warned me. Everyone knows I give the benifit of the doubt. I just have a lot of faith in people. We did date. I guess we are josh friends. I don't know what I did. I guess I am truely an asshole magnet. All my guy friends treated me like shit. Except the guys in the Cruxshadows Faries those were the only nice guys in the bunch. And the members in the band and other band members in other bands.
I finally met ROGUE!! Oh let me tell you the story. I was talking to Vickie. Then Jockamo tapes me on the shoulder. I turn around and it is Rouge. I started to cry. I bawled. I really bawled. He said not to cry. Vickie got all the pictures of Me meeting Rogue. I told him about how I couldn't go last year. And how It was my first time seeing cruxshadows. He said I hope we don't dissapoint you. I said I'm sure you all won't. They didn't. He hugged me. Rogue hugs are awesome. I cried. If you were there It was awesome. It was the time of my life. I told him I was going to the Pittsburgh date. He said to get all my friends to go. He said that Pegasus doesn't have a stage. I'm like I know. And It's a small club.
Jen aka Pyromantic is such a sweetheart. I cried too. I am such a emo kid. She is such an awesome person. If you have met her you know what I mean. When I did, we both had the same kind of purple and stripe socks on. And we both showed off our tattoos. And she is like your the one who was on Greyhound that Jockamo was talking about. I'm like that is me. She is like I have heard so much about you. She is such a sweetie.
Sara the backup dancer. Is a sweetie. I met her too. We talked Again she is like your the one who was on greyhound I am like that is me. They are so nice. It was such an awesome time.
Johanna Is amazing. She is a sweetie. She is truely amazing on violin. such energy on stage. I do wish to play violin again but I play clarinet. I feel like a dork playing clarniet.
David is very quiet. He is really awesome. I was having pretty crappy time for a minute. Then he is like it looks like you need a hug here. And he is like would you like something signed. I'm like I have nothing to signed. I'm like how about my boob. I am the first boob he has signed! If you have met him he is extremely quiet.
Voltaire is amazing. His girlfriend is so beautiful. I am glad I got to met her. Staci & I got our boobs signed by him. We both asked her if he could sign them she is like sure. He is like gotta make sure there isn't dust on them he blew on them then rubbed them. he signed them. Then Blew him. Then I talked to his girlfriend she is like you must have all the guys hitting on you too I am like not really only the creepers. I don't really notice when guys hit on me. Then she asked to look at my tattoo across my chest she is like awesome. I saw voltaire with Eric. It was great hanging with him. I just have feelings for him still. We had dinner a few times. Once with lisa.
Cruxshadows was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cruxshadows fairies got in first! They were up in front. I mean I was just blown away. I was just in awe. Rogue held my hand a few times and sung to me. I squeaked. They played so many great songs. Then when they played "marilyn my bitterness" Johanna The band grap people on stage to dance. Johanna graped me on stage which was awesome. They played "memorare" that reminded me of pookie. They played monsters, solus, immortal, eye of the storm, aridane,... I was just so happy
I saw ego likeness. First time seeing them also. They were friggin awesome. I was right up front. I danced and not caring who was watching. I hung out with Josh afterwards. He treated me like poop. More like shit. Ego Likeness was friggin amazing. i was glad to make it.
The next day I hung out with Eric. It was ok. I started to miss my friends cause Dragon*con was coming to a close and I knew I was going to come back to crappy ole PA.I told Rogue he didn't dissapoint me. And asked for a picture without me bawling my eyes out. He said no crying this time.
Staci wrote a goodbye note. I just got bummed. I fell asleep early after hanging out with Eric I was just dissapointed. I miss Everyone still. I know I will attend next year's Dragon*Con but I will be flying this time!!!!
I miss you all so very much!!!!
~Super Pouncing Huggles~