Only one more test to go. I tried to register for next semester but it won't let me. I'm taking a 4 credit class now but I need to take another class to I can difer my loans again. What should I take? I was thinking about another language class maybe arabic since I've been accused of being "one of them terrorist types" before. May as well be able to tell them I'm gonna kill them in the right language right? Either that or some PE classes like Judo or Raquetball.
Have you ever called someone up then pretty much when they asnwer decide that you dont want to talk to them anyway. I did that twice today...I seriously don't know why I called them accept I was bored with nothing better to do.
I'll probably just get rid of the damn thing soon anyway go straight old school with only a house phone. I'm sick of being the one that has to call everyone else to do something. If I'm not "cool" enough to warrant a call back then fuck 'em! Not my friends anyway right?
Have you ever called someone up then pretty much when they asnwer decide that you dont want to talk to them anyway. I did that twice today...I seriously don't know why I called them accept I was bored with nothing better to do.

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