What up. Not much new. Saw Resident Evil last night it rocked! Milla is soo damn hotness!
So I'm thinking that I'll never understand a woman or anything involved in their though processes. I mean i thought I was getting all the signals.....she seemed interested. She even brought up wanting to hang out....so why doesn't she answer her phone or call me back is a complete mystery to me. I guess one day I'll figure it out but not today....got to go watch UNLV lose to Wisconsin.

So I'm thinking that I'll never understand a woman or anything involved in their though processes. I mean i thought I was getting all the signals.....she seemed interested. She even brought up wanting to hang out....so why doesn't she answer her phone or call me back is a complete mystery to me. I guess one day I'll figure it out but not today....got to go watch UNLV lose to Wisconsin.

Perhaps your female friend is away from the phone. I wouldn't leave her too many messages. It might freak her out. Good luck with that one.
Yeah, I watched Michigan lose to Notre Dame today. I was kinda rooting for Michigan, but I grew up about 40 minutes from Notre Dame, so I kinda like both teams I guess.
My college got trounced by Florida today. . .as if that should be no surprise. . .why should a MAC school (with a football program as bad as ours) be playing an SEC powerhouse in football anyway? The answer: money. . .sad but true.