Yeah so I still have a lot of shit to pack but i can wait until the 9th to do it all. On the 11th I'm taking my shit up to North Little Rock to the ABF terminal and sending it on its way to Nevada.
On the 16th, I'm picking up my friend from the Airport and then on the 17th we'll be going to Dallas to six flags. Then be in Vegas by friday.
On the 16th, I'm picking up my friend from the Airport and then on the 17th we'll be going to Dallas to six flags. Then be in Vegas by friday.

From reading some of your journals, it appears that you are on your way to becoming a pharmacist. Congratulations! I always thought that a job like that would be interesting, but I don't like dissection, so the medical field probably isn't the best place for me.
Well, I'm 31 and I may be going back to school in the fall to finish my last few credits (one semester or two) of my undergraduate degree. Grad school is different from undegrad life, though. There definitely will be people your age there (and older). I have taken a few grad classes myself and look forward to continuing with my program in that capacity as well someday.
Packing is always a chore, isn't it? Well, when it's done, it's done, at least until your next move, right? I'll probably be having to do the same myself soon.