So work is still blah!
I'm soo tired though but that is because I didn't sleep well last night.
I had a real fucked up dream that i killed my best friend. When I woke up I really did think he was dead but then I remembered it was just a dream.
I'm listening to Tori Amos now so that means everyone needs to join my Tori group
Licks to all those that want em!!

I'm soo tired though but that is because I didn't sleep well last night.
I had a real fucked up dream that i killed my best friend. When I woke up I really did think he was dead but then I remembered it was just a dream.

I'm listening to Tori Amos now so that means everyone needs to join my Tori group

Licks to all those that want em!!

God, one time I had a dream that my brother died right in front of me and I couldn't save him. We were at the end of a really long dock and he fell off into quick sand. There was a rope at the end of the dock but I couldn't get it in time and he went under. When I woke up I was screaming and crying. It was when I was about 10 or so and my dad came into my room wondering what was going on. I told him that my brother was dead and kept on crying and crying. He actually had to take me into his room and show me that he wasn't dead for me to believe it. That dream blew my mind. I remember every detail over 20 years later.
and THIS is for YOU: