1. What are you listening to right now: DropKick Murphys
2. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number: 26
3. What was the last thing you ate: Cheese
4. Last person you talked to on the phone: Mom
5. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: butt from the back, Eyes from the front
6. Favorite Sport: Football
7. Do you wear contacts: nope
8. Favorite Month: Rck-tober
9. Favorite Food: anything with cheese
10. Last Movie you Watched: Kill Bill
11. Favorite Day of the Year: 6th tuesday of every month
12. Are you too shy to ask someone out? ehh
13. Summer or Winter: winter
14. Chocolate or Vanilla: choco
15. Living Arrangements: with a roommate thats my bitch yo
16. What's on your mouse pad: no mouse pad
17. Favorite Board Game: trivial pursuit
18. What did you do last night: worked
19. What are your favorite Smells: orange
20. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: sadly, no
21. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn: butter
22. What is the first thing you think of when you wake: fuck!
23. Do you still talk to your best friend from high school?: some of them
24. Pets: =\ no
25. Have you ever fired a gun: yep
26. Smooth Peanut Butter or Chunky?: smooth
27. What do you drive: 02 elantra yo
2. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number: 26
3. What was the last thing you ate: Cheese
4. Last person you talked to on the phone: Mom
5. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: butt from the back, Eyes from the front
6. Favorite Sport: Football
7. Do you wear contacts: nope
8. Favorite Month: Rck-tober
9. Favorite Food: anything with cheese
10. Last Movie you Watched: Kill Bill
11. Favorite Day of the Year: 6th tuesday of every month
12. Are you too shy to ask someone out? ehh
13. Summer or Winter: winter
14. Chocolate or Vanilla: choco
15. Living Arrangements: with a roommate thats my bitch yo
16. What's on your mouse pad: no mouse pad
17. Favorite Board Game: trivial pursuit
18. What did you do last night: worked
19. What are your favorite Smells: orange
20. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: sadly, no
21. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn: butter
22. What is the first thing you think of when you wake: fuck!
23. Do you still talk to your best friend from high school?: some of them
24. Pets: =\ no
25. Have you ever fired a gun: yep
26. Smooth Peanut Butter or Chunky?: smooth
27. What do you drive: 02 elantra yo

2. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number: 04
3. What was the last thing you ate: choc silk
4. Last person you talked to on the phone: keever
5. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: smile
6. Favorite Sport: kung fu
7. Do you wear contacts: yep
8. Favorite Month: may
9. Favorite Food: anything with cheese-ditto
10. Last Movie you Watched: Matchstick Men
11. Favorite Day of the Year: whatever my best day is
12. Are you too shy to ask someone out? depends on the moment
13. Summer or Winter: summer
14. Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate'
15. Living Arrangements: one of six
16. What's on your mouse pad: no mouse pad
17. Favorite Board Game: trivial pursuit also
18. What did you do last night: worked, then watched a movie at my friends
19. What are your favorite Smells: butterscotch, greens
20. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: nope, I have a pug nose
21. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn: butter usually, kettle lately
22. What is the first thing you think of when you wake: can I go back to sleep?
23. Do you still talk to your best friend from high school?: some of them
24. Pets: kitty, and I really want a doggie
25. Have you ever fired a gun: mmm hmmm
26. Smooth Peanut Butter or Chunky?: smooth
27. What do you drive: just got an older truck, but my baby was a red 81 mazda rx7 named Roxy who finally blew her engine last month...I'm still mourning
Thank you for calling me a hottie! Woohoo makes me smile and get all squishy inside
Now your fun survey's
1. What are you listening to right now: just cartoons
2. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number: 84
3. What was the last thing you ate: Chocolate
4. Last person you talked to on the phone: my friend John
5. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: is he alive?
6. Favorite Sport: I dont play sports, but i love watching football
7. Do you wear contacts: without them I would live underwater
8. Favorite Month: January
9. Favorite Food: I'm with you..CHEESE! uummmm the power of cheese!
10. Last Movie you Watched: Dawn Of The Dead
11. Favorite Day of the Year: Feb.29th
12. Are you too shy to ask someone out? hell yes
13. Summer or Winter: winter
14. Chocolate or Vanilla: *see last food eaten* ^^
15. Living Arrangements: is changing as we speak
16. What's on your mouse pad: none b/c it's optical
17. Favorite Board Game: games just make me bored
18. What did you do last night: sat w/ me friend john and showed him my nekki pics
19. What are your favorite Smells: coffee, chocolate, citrus
20. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: Nope
21. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn: damnit no cheese! You should be shot!
22. What is the first thing you think of when you wake: is he still here =/
23. Do you still talk to your best friend from high school?: I see her ocassionally, but no not really
24. Pets: furry creatures steal my heart
25. Have you ever fired a gun: many many times since I was a wee girl
26. Smooth Peanut Butter or Chunky?: Smmoth organic
27. What do you drive: 01 saturn..I'm pimpin'!
Hope you learn something about me through this..lol. I like your survey's they're fun