I'm going to vent a bit about this Iraq action the country is in.
This whole thing stinks worse than my ass after eating chili.
I have to agree with Ralph Nader on this one.
Bush needs to have impeachment procedings brought against him. The fucker lied to everyone.
We did we go to Iraq in the first place.
1. Because we were "without a doubt positive" that Saddam has WMD.
Turned out to be a lie.....but instead of fessing up to it. We call it an intellegence lapse.
2. Because Saddam was going to give al-Quada WMD.
Yet another lie....Saddam dispised bin Laden as much as he hated the US.
Why did we impeach Clinton because he lied about getting a blowjob and dipping his cigar in that!
It brings a smile to my face thinking that Clinton may have givin that same cigar to Arafat during a meeting....the same cigar that was up a Jewish girls puss.
This whole 9\11 procedings are a bunch of bullshit. After Clarke made his accusation that the Bushies didn't do enought to stop it. All the Administration could do is call him a liar and an oppurtunist.
These are the same people that get sooo upset when you call a any republican (Limbaugh or O'Rielly) anything other than a saint. To Quote Anne Coulter "A Liberals only arguement is name calling and lies.....A Republican only says things that are true and are valid."
For 9\11 I blame everyone. Bush, Clinton, Cheney, Gore, Reno, Ashcroft, Bush I, Carter, and
The Gipper.
Truth be told Islamic Fundementalism is the reason. Oh a liberal that blames islam. No I blame the Jihadies not Muslims. Religous fundementalism is the problem with the world in my opinion. Just as Christian Fundementalism is trying to take away my rights as a US citizen, Islamic Fundementalism has taken away the rights of the Middle Eastern World.
The War on Terror is a misnomer. It is a war on Islamic Fundementalism.
Now I may hate Bush for what he has done I do have to agree that it is a fight that needs to be fought and needs to be won. Most Americans haven't begun to realize that most of the world hates the US.
Most Middle Easterners hate the US for backing Isreal whom most think are the Great Devil and an Abomination on Islam.
This war on "terrorism" started back in teh 70's when everyone was too busy worrying about the Red Menace than the Middle East. Carter should have retaliated and over thrown the fundementalist government of Iran when they took US citizens hostage. Regan should never has traded guns for hostages. Hindsight is always 20/20, but both administrations should have done what we did in Iraq, send in troops and installed a democratic government.
Now I come back to my Bush bashing. The problem with what Bush has done is he went in with no backing, aka UN. He took what could have been a world unifying even, 9\11, and within a year made the US look like the big bad bully of the world. The US should have gone in with UN backing. It would have givin this opperation some semblance of Legitimancy. We should have courted Grand Ayatollah Sistani...the leading Shiite Cleric who for better or for worse was more on our side than anything else. Sistani preached for the people of Iraq to lay down their guns to the Americans in the start of the Iraq War II. He has said that religion has no place in secular, ie Government affairs. Sounds like a better option than Ahmed Chalabi whom most Shia have no respect for and think the Iraq Governing Council as a puppet of the US and therefore has no legitimacy.
We went into post WWII Japan and Germany and had a purpose and a plan on how to democratize those 2 country.
Truman a democrat you can argue is more responisble for ending Communism as is Regan.
The US should have had a exit strategy on Iraq which it had none. This June transfer of power is going to end badly. More attacks on US soil are immenant.
Both Liberals and Conservatives need to realize that we are in a War. our generations Vietman. A Vietman that must be won.
I blame the Bush Administration of using al-Qauda as a excuse to invade Iraq. Bush has been itching to do it since entering Office. Does anyone remember withing the first month of office started boming Iraq? I remember cause I though it was funny because I was listening to "ombs over Baghdad"by Outkast at the time.
What has happened to Afganistan? We went in and ousted the Taliban. Kicked some ass, as we should have done.
Why did Bush call North Korea an "Axis of Evil" and not do a damn thing about it. Korea has more to do with giving weapons and WMD to terroists than Iraq would ever have done. Iraq was scared of the US. N Korea has proven themselves as arrogant and has the resources to produce nuclear weapons.
After we invaded Iraq and found no WMD, the justification went from WMD to Humanitarian missions to free the people of Iraq from an opressive Regime.
Again what about N Korea? We know that the N Korean government has starved, tortured and killed thier people for decades and we do nothing about it.
Well I could go on but I'm hungry.
This whole thing stinks worse than my ass after eating chili.
I have to agree with Ralph Nader on this one.

We did we go to Iraq in the first place.
1. Because we were "without a doubt positive" that Saddam has WMD.
Turned out to be a lie.....but instead of fessing up to it. We call it an intellegence lapse.
2. Because Saddam was going to give al-Quada WMD.
Yet another lie....Saddam dispised bin Laden as much as he hated the US.
Why did we impeach Clinton because he lied about getting a blowjob and dipping his cigar in that!

It brings a smile to my face thinking that Clinton may have givin that same cigar to Arafat during a meeting....the same cigar that was up a Jewish girls puss.

This whole 9\11 procedings are a bunch of bullshit. After Clarke made his accusation that the Bushies didn't do enought to stop it. All the Administration could do is call him a liar and an oppurtunist.

For 9\11 I blame everyone. Bush, Clinton, Cheney, Gore, Reno, Ashcroft, Bush I, Carter, and

Truth be told Islamic Fundementalism is the reason. Oh a liberal that blames islam. No I blame the Jihadies not Muslims. Religous fundementalism is the problem with the world in my opinion. Just as Christian Fundementalism is trying to take away my rights as a US citizen, Islamic Fundementalism has taken away the rights of the Middle Eastern World.
The War on Terror is a misnomer. It is a war on Islamic Fundementalism.
Now I may hate Bush for what he has done I do have to agree that it is a fight that needs to be fought and needs to be won. Most Americans haven't begun to realize that most of the world hates the US.

Most Middle Easterners hate the US for backing Isreal whom most think are the Great Devil and an Abomination on Islam.
This war on "terrorism" started back in teh 70's when everyone was too busy worrying about the Red Menace than the Middle East. Carter should have retaliated and over thrown the fundementalist government of Iran when they took US citizens hostage. Regan should never has traded guns for hostages. Hindsight is always 20/20, but both administrations should have done what we did in Iraq, send in troops and installed a democratic government.
Now I come back to my Bush bashing. The problem with what Bush has done is he went in with no backing, aka UN. He took what could have been a world unifying even, 9\11, and within a year made the US look like the big bad bully of the world. The US should have gone in with UN backing. It would have givin this opperation some semblance of Legitimancy. We should have courted Grand Ayatollah Sistani...the leading Shiite Cleric who for better or for worse was more on our side than anything else. Sistani preached for the people of Iraq to lay down their guns to the Americans in the start of the Iraq War II. He has said that religion has no place in secular, ie Government affairs. Sounds like a better option than Ahmed Chalabi whom most Shia have no respect for and think the Iraq Governing Council as a puppet of the US and therefore has no legitimacy.
We went into post WWII Japan and Germany and had a purpose and a plan on how to democratize those 2 country.

Truman a democrat you can argue is more responisble for ending Communism as is Regan.
The US should have had a exit strategy on Iraq which it had none. This June transfer of power is going to end badly. More attacks on US soil are immenant.
Both Liberals and Conservatives need to realize that we are in a War. our generations Vietman. A Vietman that must be won.
I blame the Bush Administration of using al-Qauda as a excuse to invade Iraq. Bush has been itching to do it since entering Office. Does anyone remember withing the first month of office started boming Iraq? I remember cause I though it was funny because I was listening to "ombs over Baghdad"by Outkast at the time.

What has happened to Afganistan? We went in and ousted the Taliban. Kicked some ass, as we should have done.
Why did Bush call North Korea an "Axis of Evil" and not do a damn thing about it. Korea has more to do with giving weapons and WMD to terroists than Iraq would ever have done. Iraq was scared of the US. N Korea has proven themselves as arrogant and has the resources to produce nuclear weapons.
After we invaded Iraq and found no WMD, the justification went from WMD to Humanitarian missions to free the people of Iraq from an opressive Regime.
Again what about N Korea? We know that the N Korean government has starved, tortured and killed thier people for decades and we do nothing about it.
Well I could go on but I'm hungry.

Was it just the general shitheap situation of the world that brought on your train of thought or did something spur you on? I think you are dead on target with that. Fucking US makes me sick to be an American. Aren't we supposed to be proud or something? Wish they'd give us something to be proud about.
on a more serious note...