How were you first introduced to SuicideGirls?
I was a rebellious alt teenager when SG models were established, and I just remember loving how accepting and diverse the community was and continues to be.
How did you come up with your SG name?
Oh, I’m a self proclaimed coffee connoisseur: Ristretto (Italian pronunciation: [risˈtretto]) is a "short shot" type of espresso. That’s me… a short shot of concentrated sass. Tattooed and outspoken, I’m not to everyone’s preferred taste. Hot or Iced, I like it straight up.
How long have you been an SG member?
I think, I’ve joined off an on for about a decade now.
Have you met anyone from SG in real life?
Not yet… Texas is great though, yall!
What do you love most about being a part of the SG community?
The outpouring of support and encouragement from literally everyone. In a place where there is a lot of vulnerability in exposure, I’ve always been met with the most gracious, accepting, complimentary members and models. I love the community here.
How often do you visit the site?
I try to visit weekly or more if I can.
Who are your favorite SuicideGirls and/or SG Hopefuls?
I’ve had a long time girl crush on @Amoxi, recently turned pink💕!!
If you could share a meal with 3 people from the site, who would you choose?
JUST THREE?! Oy… ok, ok... Could I have the honor of taking @skisby, @burden_in_my_hand, and @fredhincanada to dinner? Y’all have lifted me up in my darkest moments, I’m grateful.
Who is your SG Bestie(s)?
Ooo, it feels blasphemous to pick favorites… but right now, I’m grateful for my friendship with @fredhincanada
Do you have a dream SG set you hope to see happen one day? (Models, theme, location, etc.)
Someday I’ll submit a retro pin up set of my own to pay tribute to the amazing ladies who paved the way for this kind of expression and acceptance!
What a babe. Yes, Texas is pretty rad.
Blue 🩵